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Reflection on Taiwan Nursing Education from the Perspective of Cross-national Comparison
作者 李香君 (Hsiang-Chun Lee)蔣宜倩 (Yi-Chien Chiang)劉英妹
台灣護理界致力於提升教學品質,降低學用之落差。本文藉由比較中英兩國護理教育模式、課程設計及教學特色面向之差異,以接軌國際之觀點反思台灣護理教育現況,提出建言,期能培育更多優秀且實用之護理專業人才。於教育模式面,台灣護理系為通才式教育,而英國為專科分流式教育;於課程設計面,英國規範之護理實習實作時數約高出台灣一倍,再者,英國護理系科目能直接對應培育之核心能力;於教學特色面,英國之教學強化學生之自學能力及參與度。綜觀台灣護理教育之優勢為全人概念之模式,學生具備全年齡層及全科性之照護知能,畢業後就業機會寬廣。而台灣護理教育可再著重之處,包含實作能力之養成、課程架構與核心能力之連結性、多元教學策略與評量、強化學生的學習動機及自我學習的責任感。 Nursing professionals are committed to improving teaching quality to reduce the gap between knowledge and practice. This article compares the differences in nursing education models, curriculum design, and teaching strategies between Taiwan and the United Kingdom. To keep up with the best practices of nursing education, it is pertinent to look at domestic and international practices, reflect, and put forward suggestions to cultivate more excellent and practical nursing professionals. In the nursing education model, Taiwan provides a general nursing courses, while the United Kingdom is a four-branches nursing programs. In terms of curriculum design, the hours of practice in the field in the UK is approximately twice as many as those in Taiwan. Furthermore, British nursing subjects directly correspond to the students' core competence. As for teaching strategies, classes in the UK strengthen students' self-learning abilities and increase participation. The advantage of nursing education in Taiwan is its holistic nursing concept. Nursing students are equipped with general knowledge of nursing care, providing them with a wide range of employment opportunities after graduation. This paper concludes by identifying areas in Taiwan's nursing education that can be improved upon, including the development of practical skills, the strengthening of the link between curriculum structure and students' core competence, the integration of multiple teaching strategies and assessments, and the enhancement of students' motivation for learning and self-learning.
起訖頁 29-39
關鍵詞 護理教育跨國比較課程設計cross-national comparisoncurriculum designnursing education
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201903 (30:1期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 急性骨髓性白血病病人症狀困擾與照護需求之探討
該期刊-下一篇 降低針灸治療毫針掉落發生率之改善專案




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