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The Dilemma and Thoroughfare for the Selffulfillments of Communication Scholars: An Analysis Based on Johann Gottlieb Fichte's Value Philosophy about Scholars' Mission
作者 陳蕾
實踐主體的價值感知蘊藏著形塑實踐的本質力量,因此面向傳播學者自身價值使命與價值實現的反思與重建,構成傳播學學科反思與重建的一個重要視角。本文以費希特論述學者使命的價值哲學為觀照,結合傳播學科的歷史發展特點分析傳播學者所面臨的價值困惑與自我實現困境,試圖以解決傳播學本體難題為起點,將澄明的自識與反思意識融入傳播學知識本體建構中,從而開闢一條重新理解與實現傳播學者主體價值使命的道路,為傳播學的學術實踐灌注創造性動力。 Since the practitioner's value sense is the essential strength that promotes academic practice, the reflection and reconstruction of communication scholars' own value and mission constitute an important perspective for reflecting upon and reconstructing the communication discipline. Based on Johann Gottlieb Fichte's value philosophy about scholars' mission and a historical view of communication discipline, this paper analyzes the puzzles and difficulties for self-fulfillments that communication scholars may confront when choosing the communication discipline as their major. We first begin by solving the communication ontology puzzle and then integrate the positive and clear self-understanding and self-reflection consciousness into the ontological construction of communication knowledge. This means proposing a new way for understanding communication scholars' value and mission, thus providing more creative motivation for their own academic practice.
起訖頁 107-147
關鍵詞 傳播學者自我實現困境通途CommunicationSelf-fulfillmentDilemmaThoroughfare
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 201904 (139期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-上一篇 跨媒體購併指標建構與應用
該期刊-下一篇 數位時代的媒介史與作為關係的技術:評《製造時間》




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