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Continuity and Change in Chinese Grassroots Governance: Shanghai's Local Administrative System
Continuity and Change in Chinese Grassroots Governance: Shanghai's Local Administrative System
作者 鄭有善
Since the retreat of the workplace system, Chinese cities have been presented with the important challenge of refurbishing local administrative systems at the sub-district level while meeting the emerging needs of new urban spaces. Building on new institutionalism concepts such as conversion and layering, this study examines conditions in Shanghai to ascertain what has made it a strong administrative city. The study discusses the development of Shanghai's current local governance structure in terms of historical legacy, formal structure, and informal practices (i.e., two-tiered government and three-tiered management). This study also researches the complex state task of strengthening sub-district governance (so-called "community construction") in urban China. The results of this study offer theoretical implications for institutional change and continuity related to these matters, thereby indicating that increased attention should be given to the agency-side explanation of endogenous institutional changes in the Chinese polity.
起訖頁 1-27
關鍵詞 Shanghaisub-district governanceconversionlayeringtwo-tiered government and three-tiered management
刊名 Issues & Studies  
期數 201812 (54:4期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 China's Raw Materials Diplomacy and Governance Cycle: Toward Sustainable Mining and Resource Extraction?




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