中文摘要 |
自一帶一路倡議提出以來,中國藉以外交政策與經濟治略的雙重政策,在周邊區域深植影響力。位於周邊的國家大量接收來自北京的經濟挹注與開發援助,大多正面回應中國提供的誘因。然而,政府之間的合作成果,卻在民間社會上形成看法不一的情況,對中國一帶一路下基礎建設的反饋程度也不盡相同。本文以越南平順省(Tỉnh B.nh Thuận)永新電力中心(Trung tâmnhiệt điện Vĩnh Tân)為例,審視各電廠所造成的環境汙染、經濟生計、健康問題、社會發展與國家安全等角度,分析2015年A1國道事件及2018年的平順省暴動兩起抵抗事件進行分析,以掌握中國在東南亞推動的一帶一路倡議之最新運作狀況及合作中存在的潛在挑戰。
Since the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI)was launched in 2013, Chinahas adopted a variety of diplomatic and economic policies to enhance itspolitical influence in the world. Among those policies were offering multibillion-dollar infrastructure and investment deals across Southeast Asia,which were received positively and enthusiastically by the majority of theSoutheast Asian governments. Yet, a row between supporters and opponentstoward BRI of the civil society in these countries remains unsolved. Toelaborate on this row, this paper uses Vinh Tan electricity center – a complexof coal power plants located in Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam, as a casestudy and talks about issues, such as: the impact of environmental pollutionfrom these Chinese-built power plants on local's economic livelihood, health,social development, and Vietnam's national security. Additionally, this studygives updated insights into China's implementation of BRI and its challengesin Southeast Asia. |