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Oscillating Between Developmental State and Neoliberalism of Spatial Development and Governance: A Case Study of the High Speed Rail Taoyuan Station Special District
作者 蕭力偉
本研究從發展型國家與新自由主義切入,探討政府為追求經濟發展,以國家權力積極干預社經發展,當新自由主義崛起,影響各項政策改革與空間規劃,為因應國內、外政治經濟需求與國家財政蹇促情形下,基礎建設由公轉私宛如星火燎原,在各地發酵擴散,尤以區域交通基礎設施結合周邊土地開發追求不動產利益的過程,更成為左右臺灣空間發展的特殊經驗,從高鐵桃園車站特定區案例中,其規劃迄今成為權力操作、發展治理,及資本流動的節點,更展現特殊面貌,各種結構性政策與能動性要素間的共構與互相滲透,使得區域發展變遷更趨複雜,也引發政策結構再生產,突顯國家引領都市發展的脈絡及不同行動者互動關係如何影響區域發展,研究發現國家干預並未減弱,更以各種建設與制度框架強勢地引導區域及都市發展,但一方面又以新自由主義的都市治理方式,納入市場規則,將市場力量引入區域的開發與治理,以維持地產開發榮景,穩固公、私間的利益合作關係,但已形成投機空間,並扭曲公共利益。 This study analyzes how the developmental state and neoliberalism work as core mechanisms affecting the development of regional transportation construction. For huge transport infrastructure, it is particularly evident that the land development surrounding projects is considered a means for financial compensation. Thus, developing the surrounding land area of high speed rail stations has become a focus of both local and central governments. High Speed Rail (HSR) station special districts have become a spatial nexus where economic activities and housing projects mushroom. The present study focuses on the policy making process of the special district at the HSR Taoyuan station to understand the structuration of its spatial making. We examine how the oscillation between the developmental state and neoliberalism in spatial development and governance has impacted local and central governance, and local society. We further analyze how regional transport infrastructure serves as a catalyst for regional and local growth. The results show that government intervention is the main driving force for the development of special districts at HSR stations. These districts have become a competitive arena where capitalistic interests negotiate with the governments and among themselves. The arena encompasses pseudo-demands for land and activities in the short run. Both short-term profit-making and spatial speculation make these districts high-risk environments and distort public interests.
起訖頁 155-195
關鍵詞 發展型國家新自由主義高鐵車站特定區Developmental StateNeoliberalismHSR Station Special Districts
刊名 地理研究  
期數 201811 (69期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 宜蘭溪南地區無祀孤魂信仰的發展與空間性




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