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Exploring the Relationships among Recreation Specialization, Environmental Attitudes, and Environmental Behavior: The Case of Mountain Hiking and Rock Climbing
作者 張簡仕傑李介祿柳婉郁 (Wan-Yu Liu)
登山與攀岩皆為臺灣近年來盛行的活動,且在活動的發展上產生了不同的專精程度。根據過去學者的研究,這種隨活動參與與學習而逐漸熟練專業的情形被稱為遊憩專門化,本研究意圖了解活動參與者在登山與攀岩的專門化程度、環境態度與環境行為之間的關係。本研究採便利抽樣與滾雪球抽樣方式,收集112份登山者、58份攀岩者、111份皆學習者,共281份有效樣本。分析上將樣本分為登山、攀岩、兩者皆學習共三類別,集群與迴歸分析結果顯示登山與攀岩遊憩專門化的認知、行為、情感彼此間互有相關,僅學習登山或僅學習攀岩者有較明顯的專門化程度區分,但皆學習者則區分出攀岩傾向或登山傾向的集群。僅學習登山者的專門化對環境態度及環境行為的解釋力較強,且環境態度對環境行為的預測力也較顯著;僅學習攀岩者的專門化則對環境態度及環境行為沒有顯著解釋力,環境態度對環境行為的解釋力亦不顯著;皆學習者的專門化對環境態度及環境行為解釋力也較不顯著,但環境態度對環境行為的則有顯著的解釋力。研究驗證登山與攀岩的專門化情形確實存在;登山專門化程度對環境態度與環境行為有顯著的正向影響,攀岩則不明顯;登山與攀岩應已區分為不同的遊憩活動,故建議:政府應確定環境管理之目標,並將兩種遊憩活動的管理辦法做明確的區分;對於攀岩活動之環境教育可與民間團體或攀岩場管理者合作,減少對環境破壞性的使用;針對不同專門化程度的團體進行適切的宣傳方法,以提升團體內成員的正向環境態度。 Mountain hiking and rock climbing have been popular recreation activities in recent years in Taiwan. Many participants have become specialized in these activities. According to previous studies, participating in these activities to gradually become specialized is called recreation specialization. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the relationships among the recreation specialization of mountain hiking and rock climbing, environmental attitudes, and environmental behavior. An internet survey was conducted through convenience sampling and snowball sampling. A total of 281 valid samples were collected, including 112 mountain hiker samples, 58 rock climber samples, and 111 samples for participants who do both. The results of clustering and regression analyses on the three classes of samples showed that there were significant relationships in recreation specialization, including cognitive, behavioral and emotional specialization between mountain hikers and rock climbers. The aforementioned significant relationships were found for both mountain hikers and rock climbers; however, the cluster analysis for the samples who do both activities showed two clusters: the mountain-hiking preference cluster and the rock-climbing preference cluster. For mountain hikers, the results showed that specialization significantly affected environmental attitudes and environmental behavior, and the ability of adopting environmental attitudes to predict environmental behavior was remarkable; on the other hand, the aforementioned relationships were not found for rock climbers. For the samples of participants who do both activities, the results showed that specialization did not affect environmental attitudes and environmental behavior; however, the result showed that the ability of adopting environmental attitudes to predict environmental behavior was remarkable. Results showed that specialization of mountain hiking and rock climbing indeed existed; specialization level for mountain climbers had a remarkably positive influence on environmental attitudes and behavior, but the aforementioned influence did not exist for rock climbers. Therefore, the two activities should be identified into different recreational activities. As a results, we suggested that the policy manager should assure the objective of environmental management, and identify certain management regulations respectively for mountain-hiking and rock-climbing activities. For the environmental education of rock-climbing activities, the government should cooperate with non-governmental organizations or climbing walls' owners to avoid any climbing that destructs the environment. The government should also apply appropriate promoting methods for groups with different specialization levels to enhance the group members' positive environmental attitudes.
起訖頁 83-123
關鍵詞 遊憩專門化冒險遊憩環境態度環境行為集群分析recreation specializationadventure recreationenvironmental attitudesenvironmental behaviorcluster analysis
刊名 地理研究  
期數 201811 (69期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 雲林縣濁水溪南岸鄉鎮民居空間之地理學探究
該期刊-下一篇 宜蘭溪南地區無祀孤魂信仰的發展與空間性




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