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Measuring the Effects of Social Media Advertising
作者 江義平莊承展黃智彙
由於近年來社群網站的普及,行銷人員也開始利用社群媒體和顧客進行溝通,社交廣告也隨著社群媒體行銷的發展開始受到重視。社群媒體廣告的形式也從過去傳統的廣告形式,如:橫幅廣告、文字鏈結及網頁工具等,進而發展出最新的原生廣告模式。雖然社群媒體廣告已逐漸的受到行銷人員注目,但其執行方式與實質效益卻尚未獲得證實。因此,本研究目的在對各種新興的社群媒體廣告形式進行檢證,以試圖為企業找出最佳的社群媒體廣告策略組合。本研究將利用非原生/原生廣告型式、商品形式,設計出數項社交廣告情境進行測試,採取網路問卷調查方式,與創市際市場研究顧問公司合作,以期待收集到具代表性的研究樣本;最後根據研究發現,提出相關結論及建議,作為相關研究與實務應用之參考。 Due to the development and popularity of social media, marketers began to put much more budget on social media for marketing. And it made types of advertising on social media sites become much diverse. The latest advertising is native advertising, and this type is more effective than traditional types. According to the research in past, we found that there were few studying for effect of social advertising. The purpose of this study is to establish an optimum combination with different social advertising types and products. The framework of this study was to measure the effects of social advertising, which included types of social media advertising, products and consumer's behavior influenced by advertising. We hoped the result of this study could be adopted by enterprises and marketers when they made decisions on social media. This study has conducted a web survey to collect samples, and use CFA and PLS analysis to compare the effectiveness from different social media advertising. Based on the results of empirical studies, this study provided in-depth discussions on social marketing effects through several platforms and product types. Finally, further conclusions and advices will also be provided.
起訖頁 1-37
關鍵詞 網路行銷社群媒體行銷社群媒體廣告原生廣告Internet MarketingSocial Media MarketingSocial Media AdvertisingNative Advertising
刊名 中原企管評論  
期數 201904 (17:1期)
出版單位 中原大學企業管理學系
該期刊-下一篇 在臺外籍學生跨文化適應問題與因應策略之探討——以中原大學馬來西亞外籍學生為例




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