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National Identity in Malaysia: Dilemma of Multiple and Single Elements
作者 紀舜傑
本文主要希望以上述原生論與建構論的脈絡,檢視馬來西亞的國家認同議題,並探究主要的形塑因素。並使用未來學的多層次因果分析法進行剖析。結果發現在表象層的問題是族群多元、宗教多元、語言多元、不平等對立。系統層是隔離、多元性與多元文化。世界觀/論述則是伊斯蘭國度、後殖民體制。隱喻/迷思乃是一個國家、一個民族、一個宗教;華僑、華人、華裔的爭議。我們發現憲法上的不平等規定是國家認同的癥結所在,那修憲是否應該被慎重考慮。然而這是禁忌議題,加上馬來西亞的伊斯蘭化,讓族群融合加上宗教信仰的難解要素,似乎也只能靜靜地期待真正脫胎換骨的馬來西亞誕生。 The purpose of this article is to explore the elementary issues of Malaysian national identity through lens of Primordialism and Constructionism. Additionally we will use the very commonly used Causal Layered Analysis (CLAğto deepen the content and scope of those issues involved. From CLA we see the essences of Malaysian pluralism in ethnicity, religions, and languages but with unequal treatment among these multiple forces. From systemic level we see the institutional inequity firmly rooted in the Constitution. In worldview and discourse we see the insistence on Islamic state of the Malaysian majority also advantage group. Also the post colonialism is easily seen here. From myth and metaphor we see oneness in state, nation, and religion which all dominate over other counterparts. As Constitution has become the bed for these disputes on identities, it is argued certain amendments should be entitled to see.
起訖頁 97-116
關鍵詞 馬來人原生論建構論多層次因果分析MalaysiaPrimordialismConstructionismCLA
刊名 台灣國際研究季刊  
期數 201903 (15:1期)
出版單位 臺灣國際研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 奧地利的公投制度與實務
該期刊-下一篇 馬來西亞國防武力與區域安全




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