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Fair Trade Actissue of Franchise VelationshipCenter on the four Judgements of Taipe High Administrative Court
作者 王傑
公平交易委員會頒布「公平交易委員會對於加盟業主經營行為案件之處理原則」以規範加盟業主與加盟店之關係,其中第3點課予加盟業主資訊揭露義務,以平衡雙方不對等地位。然而,該處理原則對於未揭露重要加盟資訊行為之評價是否未逾越公平交易法母法,是否符合法律優位原則,值得探討;又該處理原則第3點定有「正當理由」之例外規定,應如何操作,亦值得探討,此二者為近期4則臺北高等行政法院之判決中呈現兩個重要課題。本文透過實務見解與學說之整理,先歸納公平交易法第25條「顯失公平」之意義,再論述未揭露加盟重要資訊屬於顯失公平行為,肯認該處理原則符合法律優位原則;並且,統整歸納公平交易法上各種規定之「正當理由」之規範法理,並以之作為借鏡,塑造出「正當理由」之內涵,再評析四則判決中所爭執「基於便利商店特性,選定店址後方能揭露」、「商業機密」並非「正當理由」,而「品牌首次引進臺灣」之主張則須依資訊性質而定。 Fair Trade Commission issued ''the FTC Guidelines on franchisors' operating conducts'' to regulate the relationship between franchisors and franchisee. In order to balance unfair position, the Point 3 of the Guidelines makes franchisors obliged to provide written information prior to entry into agreement with trading counterpart. However, it is necessary to discuss whether the Guidelines' evaluation of nondisclosure conducts goes beyond the Fair Trade Act, and whether the Guidelines is in conformity with principles of supremacy of law. Then, the Point 3 of the Guidelines also regulated the ''fair reasons'' exception. Thus, it is necessary to discuss how to operate this exception. The mentioned two topics are presented on the four judgements of Taipei High Administrative Court. This article makes induction on the meaning of ''obviously unfair conduct'' of Article 25 of the Fair Trade Act, and explains that the nondisclosure conduct is the obviously unfair conduct, then concluding that the Guidelines is in conformity with principles of supremacy of law, by sorting out courts' opinions and academia's theories. Furthermore, this article sorts out the juridical logic of other Articles about ''fair reasons'' of the Fair Trade Act, being the mirror of building the meaning of ''fair reasons''. Then, this article tries to comment on the holdings about ''Based on the characteristic of convenient store, it is possible to disclosure only after franchisees have chosen the location of the stores.'', ''business secrets'' and ''Introducing from abroad to Taiwan for the first time''. The first and second reason are not ''fair reasons''. However, whether the third reason is ''fair reasons'' depends on the type of the items.
起訖頁 116-143
關鍵詞 加盟關係公平交易委員會對於加盟業主經營行為案件之處理原則資訊揭露義務顯失公平正當理由商業機密Franchise RelationshipThe FTC Guidelines on Franchisors' Operating ConductsObligations to Information DisclosureObviously Unfair ConductFair ReasonsBusiness Secrets
刊名 軍法專刊  
期數 201902 (65:1期)
出版單位 軍法專刊社
該期刊-上一篇 論法人人格利益之商業利用──以中國大陸為中心
該期刊-下一篇 遺囑能力制度之研究──與美國法作比較




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