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作者 錢韻芝
周芬伶作為當代臺灣文壇女性散文家中頗受注目的一員,自八○年代至今,文字風格持續多變,尤在書寫男女情愛、婚姻家庭等題材上更普遍被認為經歷了從「閨秀」到「惡女」的重要轉變,備受學界討論。然而在周芬伶三十餘年的散文創作生涯里,「戀物書寫」不僅從未停歇,更在在體現了她個人對自身戀物、收藏、消費等行徑抱持著的持續不變的關注與熱情。本文將集中採用周芬伶1985-2010二十五年間、十一本散文集中合共142篇之「戀物書寫」為主要分析對象。透過將周芬伶不曾消減改逆的「戀物書寫」置入其長久且風格不斷變化的整體寫作歷程中進行考察,探尋其「戀物書寫」中看似不變、實則有變的部分;由此,冀進一步探尋其看似不變的「變」中所隱藏之預示了她日后於整體書寫風格上發生轉變的原因。 Chou Fen-Ling, as a popular figure of modern Taiwanese female prosers, has produced works with various and ever-changing styles since 1980s. Her works on relationship, marriage and family which demonstrates drastic change in the perspectives from puppy love to hatred love attracts fierce discussion among the scholars. Nevertheless, in Chou's writing life over 30 years, Fetish Writing is a topic which she never ceases to write and in which her growing attention and passion towards fetishism, collection and spending reveal. This article targets at Chou's 11 collections of proses published from 1985-2010. Through analyzing Chou's application of Fetish Writing in her works of ever-changing styles, it aims to reveal the veil of the seemingly unchanged Fetish Writing and thereby explore connection between the evolving elements behind veil and her ever-changing writing styles in the later days.
起訖頁 3-33
關鍵詞 周芬伶戀物書寫女性散文Chou Fen-LingFetish WritingfemaleProse
刊名 文化研究季刊  
期數 201812 (164期)
出版單位 文化研究學會
該期刊-下一篇 從「家長」到「專業技師」:台灣醫師創作者於漫畫的形象再現與變遷




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