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A Case Report of Iron Deficiency Anemia with The Treatment of Chinese Medicine
作者 楊淑媚蔡昆道
患者為一名51歲的肥胖女性,有子宮平滑肌瘤,胃潰瘍,心臟病病史。數十年來就常有頭暈眼前發黑的毛病,發作時伴隨面色白、冒冷汗,休息之後症狀緩解。近2-3年頭暈的問題加重,發作的頻率增加,工作勞累或值經期時,頭暈易加重。現症身倦懶言,乏力氣短,偶胸悶心臟無力戚,輕微活動則喘,眠差難入睡,淺眠易醒。納可,泛酸,喜熱飲。大便一日1-2行,小便量少。月經量多,經色淡紅,經行頭暈身倦甚。患者身材肥胖,面色蒼白,唇甲色淡,雙側下肢水腫。望其舌淡胖,舌質淡紅偏淡,脈沉緩無力,兩尺脈尤甚。抽血檢查後發現患有缺鐵性貧血,患者經中醫診斷證屬氣血虧虛,陽虛水泛,經中藥補益氣血,溫陽利水治療後,頭暈的症狀漸趨好轉,自覺身體較有力氣,下肢水腫也獲得改善。 We report a fifty-one year-old female with the past history of leiomyoma of uterus, peptic ulcer and first degree A-V block. She suffered from dizziness and vertigo accompanied by pale face, cold sweating, in recent some decades. The symptom of dizziness was worsened as effort work or menstrual and increasing frequency of attack in the recent two more years. She feel general malaise, less talking, weak, short of breath, occasional chest tightness and feeling of weak heart beat now. Dyspnea as little activity and insomnia, often arousal in the night developed. She also has fair intake and normal stool passage, likes hot drink; but suffers from acid reflux, menorrhagia, little amount of urine and edema over bilateral legs. We found that she had obesity, pale face and lips, and deeply slowly weak pulsation . Her tongue was obese, less pink. The laboratory test document iron deficiency anemia. The symptoms of dizziness, malaise, weakness, leg edema were dramatically improved post the treatment of Chinese herb.
起訖頁 43-50
關鍵詞 眩暈水腫缺鐵性貧血DizzinessEdemaIron deficiency anemia
刊名 臺灣中醫醫學雜誌  
期數 201006 (9:2期)
出版單位 中華民國中醫師公會全國聯合會
該期刊-上一篇 遠處取穴針剌療法治癒產後頸項痛之醫案報告
該期刊-下一篇 顏面骨折手術後頭痛的中西醫整合治療病例報告




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