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Rethinking EU Counterterrorism Initiatives: Critique, Reflection, and the Implication for Taiwan
作者 崔進揆蔡育岱
自2014年歐巴馬政府宣布打擊極端主義的政策綱領和戰略後,全球共有超過60個國家加入以美國為首的國際反恐聯盟,其中亦包括法國、德國等主要歐盟國家。受到敘利亞難民危機、伊斯蘭國(Islamic State, IS)威脅和國際反恐行動的影響,歐洲國家近期面臨著恐怖主義、外籍聖戰士(foreign fighters)問題,以及移民和邊境管理等多項非傳統安全議題的挑戰。針對極端恐怖主義威脅,法、德兩國政府除積極提倡和制定多項關於反恐的法案與措施,亦駐軍海外,並支援國際反恐任務。本文認為法、德兩國近期所施行的反恐政策,特別是其對於北非、中東裔難民的立場,和以反恐為名對國民所進行的通信監控,不僅無助於解決恐怖主義的問題,反而更易造成境內不同族群間的對立,亦有違兩國長期以來對於民主、法治和基本人權維護的堅持與主張。另,法、德兩國的個案研究亦顯示,恐怖主義不僅只是單純的安全和軍事問題,更是深層的政治、社會和文化問題。欲解除恐怖主義威脅和降低恐怖攻擊事件的發生,除需政府跨部門(甚至跨國家)的緊密合作,更需公民社會的參與、討論和監督。 Following President Barack Obama’s counter-extremism initiatives prompted by the U.S. administration in 2014, more than 60 countries joined and participated in the U.S.-led international coalition against violent extremism, including France, Germany and many European countries. In order to address the threats posed by the so-called violent extremism, French and German governments have prompted, drafted and implemented a series policies associated with issues related to counter-extremism, foreign fighters, and immigration and border controls. However, an examination of the recent counter-extremism initiatives conducted by French and German governments illustrates that the efforts made by both countries actually contradict to the core values and principles embraced by Western countries, such as freedom, democracy, human dignity and rights, and the rule of law. Research also argues that recent terrorist attacks occurred in France and Germany should not be comprehended as traditional security and military issues; instead, they should be noted and understood as specific types of cultural and socio-political issues.
起訖頁 71-103
關鍵詞 恐怖主義反恐極端主義伊斯蘭恐慌伊斯蘭國TerrorismCounterterrorismExtremismIslamophobiaIslamic State(IS)
刊名 台灣國際法季刊  
期數 201706 (14:2期)
出版單位 臺灣國際法學會
該期刊-上一篇 全球性/別平權運動與國際人權法:突破文義解釋的界限
該期刊-下一篇 中國如何因應南海仲裁案




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