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Effect of Lower limb injuries caused by training in full-geared soldiers
作者 王信寰陳映蓉楊瑞珠蘇蕙芬陳家祥
目的:本研究目的主要探討當軍人全副武裝訓練時是否可以透過加入鞋墊來改善下肢負荷率,以降低軍人訓練時受傷發生機率。方法:本研究募集14位大專生(身高162.6±6.6公分、體重51.8±8.6公斤、年齡21±2歲)為實驗受試者,所有受試者平日需有規律運動習慣,並於半年內無下肢肌肉骨骼之傷害。本研究使用AMTI測力板與Cortex高速動態攝影機進行實驗收案,受試者需在有無負重及鞋墊的設計下進行跑步測驗,再透過加入鞋墊觀察是否可以改善軍人訓練時下肢的負擔。透過重複量數二因子變異數分析比較不同負重及鞋墊厚度下跑步的變化情形。顯著水準定為α=.05。結果:跑步測驗中衝擊力、負荷率、髖關節最大角度及髖關節活動範圍,隨著負重增加且透過加入鞋墊會隨之降低。結論:此一結果可運用在未來軍用鞋之設計,可透過新的軍用鞋來降低軍事訓練中所造成的訓練傷害。 Purpose: The study was to investigate whether or not adding insole in full-geared soldiers could scale down the lower extremity loading rate, as well as the chances of suffering from injuries.Method: Fourteen college students participated in the experiment (height:162.6±6.6cm、weight: 51.8±8.6kg、age: 21±2years old). All the subjects should meet the requirement of daily exercise habits and injury free on the lower limbs over the past 6 months. AMTI force plate and Cortex high speed motion capture system was applied to collect data. The subjects conducted running trials under the circumstances including with and without wearing full geared and insole. The insole was added afterward in order to observe if the loading rate could be lowered during the training. The effects of loading rate and the thicknesses of insole on running posture were compared and analyzed by using two-way ANOVA (α=.05).Result: With incremental loadings, however, the impact force, loading rate, maximum hip angle and hip range of motion decreased with the shoes adding with insoles.
起訖頁 33-39
關鍵詞 軍事訓練負重鞋墊負荷率Military TrainingWork LoadInsoleLoading Rate
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 201903 (10期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 舞蹈教室有氧舞蹈課程滿意度內容要素探討




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