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A Project of Promoting the Nursing Clinical Ladder System Accomplishment Rate in a Regional Teaching Hospital
作者 蕭佩珊王雅貞謝芳貴 (Fang-Kuei Hsieh)陳淑賢 (Shu-Hsien Chen)鄭千威
個案報告是目前醫療機構中護理人員進階的重要依據,亦是護理專業能力評估的方式,但本院護理人員繳交率僅22.8%偏低而延宕進階,故引發本專案動機,經分析發現問題:人員不會搜尋及統整文獻、抓不到方向、格式不清楚不知問誰、缺乏個別性措施、沒空寫不想晉升、害怕失敗、薪水沒改變、要自付審查費、缺乏獎勵制度、單位無撰寫風氣、有課室訓練無輔導機制。經專案小組藉由舉辦撰寫訓練及課後輔導、設置個案報告輔導及撰寫進度監控機制、舉辦撰寫成功個案分享活動及由同儕組成的個案報告撰寫小組,建立LINE學習社群供即時反應問題及討論等措施。結果顯示個案報告撰寫繳交率由22.8%提升至29.6%,建議將此模式運用在撰寫護理報告上,藉以提升臨床照護能力,提高護理品質滿意度。 Case study is one of the important factors in advancement into higher level. It is also a factor in evaluation professional capability. However, case study report turn-in rate is 22.8% thus hinders advancement. The purpose of this care study is to identify the causes of low care report turn-in rate. After analysis, few problems were identified, including the inability to use search engines and to search publications and the lack of ideas, motivation, compensation, and training. Through special programs, include hosting seminars to train how to formulate ideas, how to write, to create LINE group to share ideas and to seek help, the case report turn-in rate rose from 22.8% to 29.6%. These approaches were proven useful to help those who wish to work on case study report.
起訖頁 556-567
關鍵詞 個案報告繳交率學習社群case reportturn-in ratelearning community
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201812 (29:4期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 降低早產兒裝置鼻式連續性氣道正壓呼吸器導致鼻黏膜出血之專案
該期刊-下一篇 以嬰兒引導的母乳哺餵提升產後哺乳婦女哺餵舒適度之改善專案




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