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Illness and Culture: Yih-yuan Li's Contribution to the Development of Medical Anthropology in Taiwan
作者 張珣
李亦園先生(1931-2017)在戰後台灣人類學發展的過程中佔有非常重要的領導角色。李亦園不但延續人類學研究異文化的學科宗旨,調查台灣原住民文化,前往馬來西亞蔴坡調查海外華人社區,也針對台灣漢人日趨複雜的各個面向的社會文化變遷進行研究,並提出針貶時事的倡議。本文針對李亦園對於醫療文化行為的一貫關懷,從原住民傳統醫療是其文化宇宙觀的一部份,到華人的養生飲食與「致中和」宇宙觀的提出,均體現了人類學宗旨所強調的健康與醫療行為是鑲嵌在整體文化行為當中,二者密不可分。尤其,李亦園的醫學人類學研究方法採取病人與在地醫療者的主位(emic)立場,而與西方醫療的客位(etic)立場得以對話並互補,說明了台灣以及非西方社會多元醫療體系形成的文化背景。透過大量閱讀爬梳台灣醫學人類學者的著作,以及回顧李亦園1960年至2000年的相關作品,本研究發現從事台灣醫學人類學研究的人類學家,或親炙,或師承於李亦園在不同時期,在不同教學單位的薰習與交流。本文擇其要者,諸如Arthur Kleinman與許木柱等人,加以陳述。印證李亦園但開風氣之先,扶植了台灣醫學人類學的幼苗,並發展出多項研究議題。 Yih-yuan Li (1931-2017) played a leading role in the development of cultural anthropology generally and in medical anthropology specifically in post-war Taiwan. As a Han Chinese anthropologist, with the aim of cross cultural comparison, Prof. Li investigated Austronesian aborigines in Taiwan and the Chinese community in Muar, Malaysia in the 1960s. In his published monographs of these investigations, ritual healing and folk healing were carefully described in terms of how they formed an important part of the local cultural system. He proposed that primitive etiology was a crucial part of local cosmology as well. Li turned to Han Chinese religious studies in 1970 and continued to study the ritual healing of danggi (shamans) in the countryside of Taiwan. Li was interested in the psychosocial function of dang-gi and traditional Chinese dietetics and dedicated himself to elucidating the complimentary relationship between modern Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, thus explaining the plural medical system in contemporary Taiwan. This paper reviews Li's publications from 1960 to 2000, and explores the medical concern revealed in Li's religious writings. With the friendship between Li and Arthur Kleinman since 1970, Li's researches on ritual healing were not only categorized as medical anthropology but also officially started medical anthropology studies in Taiwan. This paper also finds that most of the medical anthropologists in Taiwan today are students of Li or his followers, showing that Li was a pioneer in the field of medical anthropology in Taiwan.
起訖頁 7-45
關鍵詞 李亦園醫學人類學民俗醫療儀式醫療多元醫療體系Yih-yuan Limedical anthropologyfolk healingritual healingplural medical system
刊名 臺灣人類學刊  
期數 201812 (16:2期)
出版單位 中央研究院民族學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 導言:但開風氣
該期刊-下一篇 縱橫古今論傳說:李亦園院士的「神話與傳說」研究之回顧




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