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To Enhance the Case Report Writing Skills of Clinical Ladder for Nursing Staff
作者 刁綺慧胡馨方王姮樺何幸美陳繪竹 (Hui-Zhu Chen)
臺灣護理學會規範N3須通過個案報告審查,旨在豐富其教學題材與促進專業角色之認同。本院2014年各單位沒有同仁撰寫完成送審個案報告,分析資深N2護理人員未撰寫個案報告之原因為1.無專人指導、2.個案報告撰寫訓練課程太少、3.沒有進階獎勵金、4.院內電腦使用權限受限。專案自2014年08月01日至2015年07月31日,擬定改善策略為(1)排定專人1對1指導、(2)增加個案報告撰寫訓練課程次數、時段及上傳數位學習課程、(3)公費支出送審費用、(4)開啟連結學校圖書館資料庫權限。改善後分析2015年完成個案報告撰寫計有15篇,目標達成率為125%,該年度平均通過率為55%,優於同年臺灣護理學會平均通過率(44.8%),顯示本專案之改善策略成效卓著。 The reasons behind the mandatory requirement for all nurses in the Nursing Clinical Ladder N3 to pass case report writing evaluation by the Taiwan Nurses Association are to enrich teaching materials and enhance professional recognition of nurses. However, in this particular hospital, no nurses submitted their case reports for N3 evaluation in 2014 owing to the following reasons: 1) lack of professional guidance, 2) insufficient case report writing training courses, 3) no monetary incentive for professional advancement, and 4) restricted computer access in the hospital. This project was implemented from August 1, 2014 to July 31, 2015 aiming to resolve the aforementioned issues by incorporating the following strategies: 1) assign one-on-one professional mentoring, 2) arrange more case report writing training courses with on-line learning options, 3) reimburse the N3 evaluation fee, and 4) enable access to the affiliated university library databases. After the strategies were implemented, 15 case reports were completed by the end of 2015. A 55% N3 passing rate in 2015, which was higher than the average passing rate of 44.8% of the Taiwan Nurses Association, further supported that the four strategies proposed in this project are effective in achieving its intended objectives.
起訖頁 101-113
關鍵詞 個案報告臨床專業能力進階制度case reportnursing clinical ladder system
刊名 志為護理  
期數 201902 (18:1期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
該期刊-上一篇 提升某醫院肺癌末期病人安寧療護涵蓋率
該期刊-下一篇 一位頸脊髓損傷病人的照護經驗




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