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Rediscovery of Vaginularia Trichoidea Fée (Pteridaceae) in Taiwan
作者 張藝翰 (Yih-Han Chang)張和明 (Ho-Ming Chang)洪信介鄧為治陳正為許天銓 (Tien-Chuan Hsu)
針葉蕨(Vaginularia trichoidea Fée;舊稱一條線蕨)隸屬於鳳尾蕨科(Pteridaceae)書帶蕨亞科(Vittarioideae)的針葉蕨屬(Vaginularia Fée),自伊藤武夫1923年在屏東縣三地門鄉的臺灣首次紀錄後,不再有報導。近年於臺東縣都蘭山區再次記錄到此一物種。本文報導此一發現,並提供相關之分類處理、形態描述、棲地與分布狀況、分類註記,以及彩色圖片,期對本種有更多的認識。同時也依循國際自然保育聯盟(IUCN)2001年與2003年的紅皮書等級與準則,重新評估本種在臺灣的受威脅等級為「嚴重瀕臨絕滅(CR)」,亟需進行相關之保育措施以避免族群消失。
Vaginularia trichoidea Fée, a member of subfam. Vittarioideae from fam. Pteridaceae, was first discovered in Taiwan when Takeo Ito collected it in a mountainous area within Sandiman Township, Pingtung County, in 1923. It had not been found ever since until our field surveys in recent years when we rediscovered the species in Dulan Mountain of Taitung County. To contribute to the understanding of this very rare species, this paper is thus a report of this rediscovery with the species' taxonomic treatment, descriptions of morphological characters, the present situations of habitat and local distribution range, brief notes and related color photos. Meanwhile, according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, V. trichoidea is reevaluated as a critically endangered species in Taiwan. Active conservation measures are required to prevent it from regional extinction.
起訖頁 59-65
關鍵詞 蕨類鳳尾蕨科再發現臺灣針葉蕨fernPteridaceaerediscoveryTaiwanVaginularia trichoidea
刊名 台灣生物多樣性研究  
期數 201501 (17:1期)
出版單位 農委會特有生物研究保育中心
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣的擬相手蟹與折顎蟹(十足目:短尾下目:方蟹總科)兩種新紀錄
該期刊-下一篇 台灣產柑橘屬(芸香科)植物




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