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Influences of Temperature in Early Months on the First Flowering Dates of the Planted Trees in Fushan Botanical Garden
作者 王玉婷田玉娟李孟諭陳萬賓王相華 (Hsiang-Hua Wang)
Flowering phenology researches conducted in temperate regions demonstrate that increased surface temperature caused by global warming can significantly influence the flowering time of plants. However, the impacts of global warming on subtropical plant flowering phenology remain unclear. According to temperature records of subtropical Fushan Botanical Garden, the El Nino event in 2010 and La Nina event in 2011 had caused the mean temperature during January to March in 2010 2.8˚C higher than in 2011. The flowerings of 37 families, 102 species and 244 trees in Fushan Botanical Garden were investigated between February and June, and their mean first flowering dates in 2010 were about two weeks earlier than in 2011. This result suggests that the flowering phenology of subtropical plants may be also influenced by global warming. Sixteen species and three families were selected as potential indicator species and families for monitoring the influence of global warming on flowering phenology in subtropical Taiwan. Styrax formosana and Prunus phaeosticta, commonly distributed in Taiwan, and Bretschneidera sinensis, having big flowers, are suggested as indicator species. Families Aquifoliaceae, Fagaceae and Rosaceae which dominate low to middle elevation forests in Taiwan might be good indicator families.
起訖頁 63-76
關鍵詞 全球暖化聖嬰現象反聖嬰現象物候首次開花日global warmingEl Niño EventLa Niña Eventphenologyfirst flowering date
刊名 台灣生物多樣性研究  
期數 201401 (16:1期)
出版單位 農委會特有生物研究保育中心
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣低海拔灌叢鳥類調查:定點計數與霧網捕捉之比較
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