英文摘要 |
The two universal quantifiers, to and long, in Taiwanese Southern Min (TSM) areinterchangeable when they occur with a wh-word yielding a free choice reading orwith a tak-NP ‘each-NP’ (pattern 1). In sentences involving put-kuan/bo-lun ‘nomatter’, only long can be used (pattern 2). Still, when the domain involvesalternatives arranged on a scale, e.g., in the presence of a focus introduced by lian‘even’, or a negative polarity item, to is considered the norm, though thecombination of lian and long is sometimes attested (pattern 3). Our sentencecompletion survey conducted orally is set out to investigate the use of the twoquantifiers in the three sentence patterns. We find there is a predominance of thelong-type quantifiers in all the three sentence patterns, and the use of long and tocorrelates with the spearkers’ age and proficiency level of TSM. Finally, for abetter understanding of the change, we compare the use of the two quantifiers inearlier Southern Min texts and modern TSM texts and discuss some potentialinternal/external causes for the change. |