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Study on pre-service teachers’ curriculum design for multicultural education and their Multicultural Literacy
作者 陳怡靖 (Yi-Gean Chen)
隨著新住民人數加增,目前幼兒園教室中,幼兒文化背景越趨多元,使得文 化認同與文化接納的課題格外重要;培育師資生具備多元文化素養,以及多元文 化教保活動設計能力,成為師資培育機構重要的任務。本研究選定師資生41 人 進行為期六週的多元文化課程培訓方案,然後根據課程設計成果、問卷調查與個 別訪談,了解師資生多元文化課程設計能力與多元文化素養。研究結果顯示:(1) 議題選擇,師資生較傾向選擇有趣的、與生活經驗貼近的議題,其中以風俗習慣、 族群議題的活動設計較多。(2)教材內容選擇,以介紹飲食文化為最多。(3)性別 與階級議題被認為較尖銳、較難以活動切入,故缺乏這兩類設計。(4)教學方式 設計,以舉辦活動的方式讓幼兒體驗不同文化的節慶與習俗為最多;而針對弱勢 族群幼兒設計補助課程以提升學習成果為最少。(5)對於多元文化教保活動設 計,師資生感到中度困難,而對於不同族群不同國家的文化知識不足,是較令他 們困擾之處。(6)認知、情意、技能三類多元文化素養,師資生的情意素養最高; 雖然三類素養都與活動設計效能有正向關聯性,但若同時考慮三類素養的效果, 技能素養才是決定設計效能的關鍵。
In preschools’ classes, children’s cultural backgrounds are getting more diverse because the numbers of new immigrants are on the rise. Therefore, cultural identity and acceptance are getting more important. For teacher training institutions, one of the critical missions is cultivating pre-service teachers’ multicultural literacy and their ability of curriculum design for multicultural education. This study selects 41 pre-service teachers and conducts a six-week training programs to cultivate their ability of curriculum design for multicultural education. After analysis of the information including the questionnaires and interviews, the results of this study are as follows: (1)when choosing topics, pre-service teachers tend to choose the ones which are interesting and close to children’s life experience; the most chosen ones are usually customs and ethnics. (2) when choosing the contents, the most popular is the dietary culture. (3) the topics of gender and hierarchy are less designed because they are too harsh and difficult to involve students in such related activities. (4) when choosing teaching methods, the most popular method is to hold an activity to experience different cultures, but the method to help underprivileged children is rarely applied. (5) pre-service teachers think the curriculum design for multicultural education is at the moderate-difficult level, and what is the most difficult is the lack of the knowledge about different ethnics and nations. (6) as for the multicultural literacy, of cognitive literacy, affective literacy, and psychomotor literacy, pre-service teachers are most acknowledged on affective literacy. The three literacies are all correlated positively to curriculum design efficacy, but the psychomotor literacy has a critical effect when the three literacies are considered.
起訖頁 166-194
關鍵詞 師資生多元文化課程設計多元文化素養pre-service teacherscurriculum design for multicultural educationmulticultural literacy
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 201904 (8:4期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 2030 打造臺灣成為雙語國家願景之我見




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