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時尚設計著作權可分離性論戰──以美國Star Athletica案為核心
The Battle of Copyright Separability on Fashion Design-Focusing on U. S. Star Athletica, L. L. C. v. Varsity Brands Case
作者 許炳華
美國著作權法之概念上分離自1954年起即引發時尚業及司法實務之混亂,在著作權法之範疇,將美感與實用放在一起總是引發違和之感覺,實用性物品之可著作性為今日著作權法最艱難的爭議之一,「可分離性」原則即被用以處理上開疑難,然而該等原則描述容易,適用卻是困難,而多種現存之概念上分離的標準,使得著作權對於實用性物品之保護成為著作權法中最困難之領域,單一之標準容或降低司法實務間之緊張關係,而得以提供穩定之先例及可預測之結果。美國聯邦最高法院在最近之Star Athletica, L. L. C. v. Varsity Brands, Inc.案即被認為有釐清上開難題之機會,Star Athletica案提出可分離性之新途徑,著作權法並未定義可分離性,Star Athletica案可謂司法意欲填補該等模糊空間最新之嘗試,然而仍被批評所提出之標準缺乏明確性及清晰之指引,多數意見僅僅對法條加以釋義,且對於功能性之理論視若無睹。不過,Star Athletica案亦被認為對於時尚及配件產業,可謂恩賜,如果寬鬆地適用Star Athletica案最高法院所提出之新標準,有可能具備藝術特徵之實用性物品獲得著作權保護之機會將大增。 Conceptual separability in U. S. copyright law has been causing confusion in the fashion industry amongst American since 1954. In copyright law, the marriage of beauty and utility often proves fraught. One of the most difficult issues arising under the Copyright Act today is the copyrightability of useful articles. Seperability doctrine is used to deal with the issues. The doctrine has been easy to state but difficult to apply. The numerous existing tests for conceptual separability have made copyright protection of useful articles an exceedingly difficult area of copyright law. A single test for conceptual separability would alleviate conflict and tension with the judicial system, which would provide firm precedent and predictable outcomes. In Star Athletica, L. L. C. v. Varsity Brands, Inc., the U. S. Supreme Court had an opportunity to clarify the issues. In Star Athletica case, the Supreme Court recently unveiled a new approach to separability. The Copyright Act does not define separability, and Star Athletica is the latest judicial effort to try to fill that void. But the reasoning of Star Athletica still lacks clarity. The majority did little more than paraphrase the statue, and downplayed the functionality concern. Even so, Star Athletica decision is predictrd to be a boon to the fashion and apparel industry.
起訖頁 215-281
關鍵詞 著作權實用性物品可分離性功能性時尚設計CopyrightUseful ArticleSeperabilityFunctionalityFashion Design
刊名 中正財經法學  
期數 201901 (18期)
出版單位 國立中正大學財經法律學系
該期刊-上一篇 生技產物或方法相關專利法制之研究




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