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Integration of Meta-Analysis, Analytic Hierarchy Process, and Taguchi Method to Examine Tool Wear
作者 陳狄成尤麒熊丁榮助
本研究主要以整合層級分析法、後設分析與田口方法應用於刀具磨耗,刀具磨耗設計重要因子,籍由AHP分析將這些繁雜的因素加以剖析,以幫助設計開發上達到更加快速的生產開發績效,整體透過探討與比較以分析出較佳化且具指標性的刀具磨耗因子。整合了刀具磨耗設計所有的因子,主要包括切削速度、切削深度、切削進給率、切削行程、切削角度,再以AHP層級分析設定因子經由專家問卷刪除權重低之因子。下一步採用後設分析法(Meta-Analysis)透過大量的文獻蒐集,從中找尋符合本研究之架構,因此本研究整合1998-2015年國外EI、SCI國外期刊做為編碼分析樣本。首先將各種不同效果量之統計數值轉換成r,並計算成敗估計數、異質性Q檢定、顯著性考驗ZC值、真正母體效果規模、95%信賴區間、解釋變異能力等統計數值來驗證,用以分析刀具磨耗與各因子之關係。最後以田口品質工程方式,決定刀具磨耗最佳化的組合。以切削速度、切削深度、切削進給率進行三因子三水準之田口設計,探討各單元因子對S/N比的反應及變異數分析並得到刀具磨耗最佳組合。 This study integrated the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), a meta-analysis, and the Taguchi method to assess tool wear. Designs that mitigate tool wear are crucial to achieving favorable production outcomes. Design factors for cutting tools, including cutting speed, cutting depth, cutting feed rate, cutting time, and cutting angle, were considered to determine their association with tool wear. These factors were subjected to the AHP to determine their relative importance. The analysis results for these factors were discussed and compared to determine the indicators for tool wear. Subsequently, specialists reviewed the results, and factors with low weightings were deleted. Thereafter, a meta-analysis was applied to an extensive literature review, which conformed to the schema findings of this study. Studies published in English were obtained from EI Compendex and Science Citation Index journals for the period of 1998-2015. First, the effects of various statistical values of different amounts of conversion into r were determined, and the success or failure of the estimates was calculated. Subsequently, the Q test for heterogeneity, ZC value significance test, real effect of the size of the parent, and 95% confidence interval were used to analyze results pertaining to the relationship between each factor and tool wear. Finally, Taguchi’s quality engineering strategy was used to determine how to mitigate wear by altering the cutting speed, cutting depth, and cutting feed rate. Taguchi’s three levels of design were employed to explore each tool’s cytokine responses and variance in the signal-to-noise ratio to obtain the optimal combination for curtailing tool wear.
This study integrated the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), a meta-analysis, and the Taguchi method to assess tool wear. Designs that mitigate tool wear are crucial to achieving favorable production outcomes. Design factors for cutting tools, including cutting speed, cutting depth, cutting feed rate, cutting time, and cutting angle, were considered to determine their association with tool wear. These factors were subjected to the AHP to determine their relative importance. The analysis results for these factors were discussed and compared to determine the indicators for tool wear. Subsequently, specialists reviewed the results, and factors with low weightings were deleted. Thereafter, a meta-analysis was applied to an extensive literature review, which conformed to the schema findings of this study. Studies published in English were obtained from EI Compendex and Science Citation Index journals for the period of 1998-2015. First, the effects of various statistical values of different amounts of conversion into r were determined, and the success or failure of the estimates was calculated. Subsequently, the Q test for heterogeneity, ZC value significance test, real effect of the size of the parent, and 95% confidence interval were used to analyze results pertaining to the relationship between each factor and tool wear. Finally, Taguchi’s quality engineering strategy was used to determine how to mitigate wear by altering the cutting speed, cutting depth, and cutting feed rate. Taguchi’s three levels of design were employed to explore each tool’s cytokine responses and variance in the signal-to-noise ratio to obtain the optimal combination for curtailing tool wear.
起訖頁 155-164
關鍵詞 田口法層級分析後設分析法刀具磨耗Taguchi methodanalytic hierarchy processMeta-Analysistool wear
刊名 技術學刊  
期數 201809 (33:3期)
出版單位 國立臺灣科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 氣壓撓性致動器應用於並聯式四軸人工手臂運動控制之設計研究
該期刊-下一篇 A Vulnerability Propagation Model of Distributed Virtualized Systems Based on Epidemic Model




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