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To Analysis the Opinions About the Implementation of TCM Specialist System from Different Training Backgrounds of TCM Physicians
作者 邱詩方馮紀新伍崇弘陳建仲 (Chien-Chung Chen)
衛生福利部於民國92年完成中醫專科醫師制度及施行辦法草案,礙於當時環境尚未成熟,中醫專科醫師訓練制度推行延宕至今;現今中醫訓練場所及師資有長足進步,推行中醫專科醫師訓練制度之時機臻於成熟。目前台灣中醫師養成教育主要有:中醫系、學士後中醫系及特考及格,醫療專業與診療水準有所差異,希望透過中醫專科醫師制度訓練以提升中醫師專業醫療能力,若能了解不同背景之中醫師對於中醫專科醫師制度的看法與態度,可作為未來擬定中醫專科醫師制度之依據。本研究利用問卷,調查不同背景之臨床中醫師(包括中醫系、學士後中醫系以及特考及格)對於中醫專科醫師訓練的看法,總共發出1308份問卷,實際可供研究之問卷為151份。結果顯示多數臨床醫師對於推動中醫專科醫師訓練制度及規劃表示同意,但不同之醫師身分、最高學歷與執行科別對於推動中醫專科醫師訓練制度及中醫專科醫師訓練制度規劃之看法有顯著差異(p<0.05)。另外,多數臨床醫師同意中醫專科醫師訓練制度之內容,但部分議題仍不少醫師持反對或觀望態度,顯見仍有討論空間。本研究顯示不同背景之臨床醫師對於中醫專科醫師訓練制度多抱持正面看法,若能進一步取得共識,對於未來推行中醫專科醫師制度與健全中醫師養成訓練有所助益。 Taiwan TCM physicians’ medical education and training backgrounds varied which takes account for uneven quality of medical profession and clinical skills. In order to improve medical quality and strengthen TCM clinical skills, the establishment of TCM specialist system is important. The TCM specialist system was established by Ministry of health and welfare since 2003, but not be applied until now due to inadequacy complementary measures and no consensus on the detail of TCM specialist training system. Nowadays the increasing quantity of TCM clinical training place and clinical TCM teachers provides an opportunity to implement the TCM specialist system following by collection of the opinion from different training backgrounds of TCM physicians about the TCM specialisttraining relevant measures. Our study is conducted by questionnaire surveys among different training backgrounds of TCM physicians. We mailed out 1308 copies of the questionnaires with 151 qualified copies returned, which accounted for a response rate of 13.8%. Our results show most of TCM physicians agree with the TCM specialist training system and programming. The opinions are not influenced by different training backgrounds but significant affected by the TCM physicians’ characteristics including the physician’s positions, divisions and highest academic degree (p<0.05). In addition, the content of the TCM specialist training system are approved by most of TCM physician, but some issues of the TCM specialist training system are controversial. In the future the establishment of TCM specialist training system after reaching an agreement about the content of the TCM specialist training system will improve TCM physicians’ medical education and clinical training system.
Taiwan TCM physicians’ medical education and training backgrounds varied which takes account for uneven quality of medical profession and clinical skills. In order to improve medical quality and strengthen TCM clinical skills, the establishment of TCM specialist system is important. The TCM specialist system was established by Ministry of health and welfare since 2003, but not be applied until now due to inadequacy complementary measures and no consensus on the detail of TCM specialist training system. Nowadays the increasing quantity of TCM clinical training place and clinical TCM teachers provides an opportunity to implement the TCM specialist system following by collection of the opinion from different training backgrounds of TCM physicians about the TCM specialisttraining relevant measures. Our study is conducted by questionnaire surveys among different training backgrounds of TCM physicians. We mailed out 1308 copies of the questionnaires with 151 qualified copies returned, which accounted for a response rate of 13.8%. Our results show most of TCM physicians agree with the TCM specialist training system and programming. The opinions are not influenced by different training backgrounds but significant affected by the TCM physicians’ characteristics including the physician’s positions, divisions and highest academic degree (p<0.05). In addition, the content of the TCM specialist training system are approved by most of TCM physician, but some issues of the TCM specialist training system are controversial. In the future the establishment of TCM specialist training system after reaching an agreement about the content of the TCM specialist training system will improve TCM physicians’ medical education and clinical training system.
起訖頁 255-269
關鍵詞 中醫專科醫師住院醫師臨床訓練醫學教育TCMspecialistresident doctorsclinical trainingmedical education
刊名 中醫藥研究論叢  
期數 201809 (21:2期)
出版單位 臺北市中醫師公會
該期刊-上一篇 居家醫療整合照護之中醫經驗與展望




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