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A Case Report of Alopecia Areata Treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine
作者 蘇柏璇戴承杰
本病例報告描述治療一位53歲男性脫髮症狀嚴重之案例。患者自就診前七個月開始頭皮多處脫髮,且半年內仍有原生和新生毛髮脫落,使落髮範圍有不同程度的擴大。本案例之特色在於根據臨床症狀,經辨證論治後診斷為中醫外科之斑禿,病因病機為陰陽兩虛、濕邪困脾、腎陽虛衰。整個治療主軸以主方桂枝龍骨牡蠣湯、苓桂朮甘湯,以溫陽健脾、平補陰陽之藥物為主,並以何首烏、肉蓯蓉等補肝腎益精血藥物為輔,經八個月治療後脫髮處恢復情況良好且未復發,病情獲得穩定控制,對此治療過程作一介紹及討論。 This case report describes a 53 years old male who suffered from the symptom of severe hair loss for about seven months and in the half year, this symptom became worse. The feature of this case is that according to the main symptoms, combined symptoms, and traditional Chinese medicine theory, this patient’s hair loss was diagnosed as alopecia areat. It resulted from the accumulation of the dual deficiency of yin and yang, the dampness of spleen and the deficiency of kidney yang. The treatment was mainly based on Gui Zhi Long Gu Mu Li Tang(桂枝龍骨牡蠣湯)combined with Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang(苓桂朮甘湯)to tonify yin and yang and fortify the spleen and drain dampness, He Shou Wu(何首烏)and Rou Cong Rong(肉蓯蓉), to tonify liver and kidney essence. After eight months treatment, the symptoms were markedly improved and did not recurrent again. This paper would present the procedure of TCM treatment in a detailed introduction and discussion.
This case report describes a 53 years old male who suffered from the symptom of severe hair loss for about seven months and in the half year, this symptom became worse. The feature of this case is that according to the main symptoms, combined symptoms, and traditional Chinese medicine theory, this patient’s hair loss was diagnosed as alopecia areat. It resulted from the accumulation of the dual deficiency of yin and yang, the dampness of spleen and the deficiency of kidney yang. The treatment was mainly based on Gui Zhi Long Gu Mu Li Tang(桂枝龍骨牡蠣湯)combined with Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang(苓桂朮甘湯)to tonify yin and yang and fortify the spleen and drain dampness, He Shou Wu(何首烏)and Rou Cong Rong(肉蓯蓉), to tonify liver and kidney essence. After eight months treatment, the symptoms were markedly improved and did not recurrent again. This paper would present the procedure of TCM treatment in a detailed introduction and discussion.
起訖頁 169-178
關鍵詞 脫髮斑禿Hair lossAlopecia areat
刊名 中醫藥研究論叢  
期數 201809 (21:2期)
出版單位 臺北市中醫師公會
該期刊-上一篇 複視──神經急症之鑑別診斷思維與病例分享
該期刊-下一篇 胃淋巴癌的中西醫理與治療的整合思維




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