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Discussion on the Idea of Treating Different Diseases with the Same Method in Traditional Chinese Medicine as an Example of Si Ni San
作者 游志勤
四逆散被認為疏肝之祖方,始見於《傷寒論》,原用治少陰病傳經熱邪,陽鬱不伸的四逆證。隨著歷代醫家對四逆散研究的深入,將其功效擴大為疏肝理脾,用於情志、作息、飲食失調引起的肝鬱氣滯、肝脾不合等相關疾病,其運用範圍廣泛,包含內、外、婦、男科及情志失調引起的疾病。本文通過對歷代醫家研究四逆散的病機以及臨床運用等進行歸納總結,以期更精確地掌握四逆散方證的運用規律,論述中醫異病同治的觀念,啟發臨床應用思維。 Si Ni San is considered as the ancestral side (classical prescriptions) of the liver.Si Ni San which was found in the treatise on febrile disease (colddisease,Shanghan lun) firstly.Initiallly, Si Ni San was used to treat four reverse pattern which caused by hot devil thru channel conduced by lesser yin disease and unstretched yang depression.With the deepening of the study of ancient physicians, the effect of Si Ni San is extended to the liver and spleen, emotional disorders,disorders on daily routine, eating disorders caused by liver qi stagnation, liverspleen disharmony etc. It is applied widely , Including internal medicine,surgery,gynecology, andrology and emotional disorders caused by the disease. This papersummarizes the pathogenesis and clinical application of Sini Powder in ancient times, so as to more accurately grasp the application of Sini Powder and inspire clinical application thinking.
Si Ni San is considered as the ancestral side (classical prescriptions) of the liver.Si Ni San which was found in the treatise on febrile disease (colddisease,Shanghan lun) firstly.Initiallly, Si Ni San was used to treat four reverse pattern which caused by hot devil thru channel conduced by lesser yin disease and unstretched yang depression.With the deepening of the study of ancient physicians, the effect of Si Ni San is extended to the liver and spleen, emotional disorders,disorders on daily routine, eating disorders caused by liver qi stagnation, liverspleen disharmony etc. It is applied widely , Including internal medicine,surgery,gynecology, andrology and emotional disorders caused by the disease. This papersummarizes the pathogenesis and clinical application of Sini Powder in ancient times, so as to more accurately grasp the application of Sini Powder and inspire clinical application thinking.
起訖頁 73-78
關鍵詞 四逆散肝鬱氣滯肝脾不和異病同治Si Ni SanLiver-Qi StagnationLiver-Spleen disharmonyLike treatment of unlike disease
刊名 中醫藥研究論叢  
期數 201809 (21:2期)
出版單位 臺北市中醫師公會
該期刊-上一篇 《傷寒論》手腳發冷病因及病機之探討
該期刊-下一篇 白芷中醫美容文化之研究:以四川遂寧白芷種植戶及常民生活運用為例




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