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Competencies of Children's Librarians in Public Libraries in the Information Age
作者 彭于萍
公共圖書館面臨資訊環境變遷帶來的發展及創新,對公共圖書館兒童服務館員之知識與技能內涵及需求造成顯著影響,圖書館領導者需要兒童服務館員展現較佳職能以因應環境變化。本研究首先藉由文獻探討瞭解目前國內外兒童服務館員職能研究概況,之後分別陳述職能模式意涵與價值、圖書資訊學領域職能研究發展概況、資訊時代公共圖書館兒童服務之角色及價值,以及國內外兒童服務館員職能模式發展概況,再透過內容分析法,探究公共圖書館兒童服務館員所需具備之專業知識技能、一般知識技能,以及態度及人格特質,歸納整理出資訊時代公共圖書館兒童服務館員職能概念性架構(詳見表一),期盼研究結果能有助於未來發展國內資訊時代公共圖書館兒童服務館員職能發展實務之參考。 The development and innovation of information technologies in recent years have influenced service models used in public libraries. To respond to the changing library environment in an information era, library leaders require librarians to exhibit proper competencies to keep up with rapidly changing environments. This study explored the current researches on the competencies children's librarians, and then stated the meaning and value of the competency model, research on competency and competency models in library and information science, and the role and value of children's services in the public library during the information age, and previous competency models for children's librarians in public libraries in the information age. Through content analysis, the study explores the special knowledge and skills, general knowledge and skills, as well as the attitudes and characteristics required by children's librarians working in public libraries. Subsequently, this study referred to multidimensional competency conceptual framework for children's librarians working in public libraries (See Table 1 for details). Finally, the findings of this study may serve as a reference to assist in the development of competency conceptual framework and practice related to competency development among children's librarians working in public libraries in the information age.
The development and innovation of information technologies in recent years have influenced service models used in public libraries. To respond to the changing library environment in an information era, library leaders require librarians to exhibit proper competencies to keep up with rapidly changing environments. This study explored the current researches on the competencies children's librarians, and then stated the meaning and value of the competency model, research on competency and competency models in library and information science, and the role and value of children's services in the public library during the information age, and previous competency models for children's librarians in public libraries in the information age. Through content analysis, the study explores the special knowledge and skills, general knowledge and skills, as well as the attitudes and characteristics required by children's librarians working in public libraries. Subsequently, this study referred to multidimensional competency conceptual framework for children's librarians working in public libraries (See Table 1 for details). Finally, the findings of this study may serve as a reference to assist in the development of competency conceptual framework and practice related to competency development among children's librarians working in public libraries in the information age.
起訖頁 103-133
關鍵詞 職能兒童服務館員公共圖書館CompetencyChildren's LibrarianPublic Library
刊名 圖書資訊學刊  
期數 201812 (16:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣知識管理系統服務廠商之產品價值主張研究──以某個案公司為例
該期刊-下一篇 從社會支持觀點探討愛滋線上匿名諮詢問答




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