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The Method of Establishing “The Community-Based Integrated Care” System in Japan-- Focusing on “The Community Care Conference” by Local Municipalities
作者 李光廷
「社區照護會議」可同時推動充實老人的個人支援、穩定社會基盤整備,因此被用來作為建構「社區整體照護體制」的手段方法。為促進「社區照護會議」有效運作,必須先理解其目的和機能,尤其是因應市町村實況,主動建置目的目標明確的照護體制和營運方法。分析生活圈域的需要,可一定程度理解社區課題的傾向,繼而促成社會資源開發與社區營造的一環。2015年介護保險制度改革時,「社區照護會議」正式入法,全國市町村積極舉辦研討會,擴大檢討並公布各社區照護會議推展的實例與實踐方向,之後更製作操作手冊,供全國市町村參考與學習。 The community care conference can simultaneously promote the personal support of the elderly and stabilize the social infrastructure. It is therefore used as a method of establishing the ''Community-based Integrated Care System''. To promote the effectiveness of Community Care Conference, we must first understand its purpose and function. We should take the initiative to set up a targeted care system and a method of operation based on the actual situation of local municipalities. When the ''Community Care Conference'' was formally introduced as part of the care insurance system reform in 2015, seminars were held in local municipalities across the country to promote awareness of community care and review existing practices. The initiative also induces community building through analyzing and understanding the needs of local areas.
The community care conference can simultaneously promote the personal support of the elderly and stabilize the social infrastructure. It is therefore used as a method of establishing the ''Community-based Integrated Care System''. To promote the effectiveness of Community Care Conference, we must first understand its purpose and function. We should take the initiative to set up a targeted care system and a method of operation based on the actual situation of local municipalities. When the ''Community Care Conference'' was formally introduced as part of the care insurance system reform in 2015, seminars were held in local municipalities across the country to promote awareness of community care and review existing practices. The initiative also induces community building through analyzing and understanding the needs of local areas.
起訖頁 7-14
關鍵詞 社區整體照護體制社區照護會議整合性照護社區管理community-based integrated care systemcommunity care conferenceintegrated carecommunity management
刊名 長期照護雜誌  
期數 201805 (22:1期)
出版單位 社團法人台灣長期照護專業協會
該期刊-上一篇 長照整合機制概述
該期刊-下一篇 高價值居家醫療整合照護──臺北市立聯合醫院的經驗與願景




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