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Recovery of the Owner’s Non-Pecuniary Loss and Its Limitation When Companion Animals Are Wrongful Damaged
作者 陳汝吟
陪伴動物是現代社會許多人情感利益所繫,本文借鏡比較法例上瑞士、日本民法及美國等立法與司法實務裁判之新近發展,分析在臺灣現行法律架構下,侵害動物之慰撫金請求是否可行,並提出以陪伴動物之內涵概念、飼主人格利益須證明受有損害、以及加害人主觀要件上限於故意及重大過失等為界線,可謂民法第195條第1項前段之「情節重大」;同時斟酌飼主責任,體現損害賠償正義,落實與有責任之損害歸責原理。藉此希望法律可反映社會現況,提供此方面後續法學研究參考。 The sentimental value ties that owners feel towards their companion animals in modernsociety. This article review comparative legislation and judicial practices from Swiss andJapanese Civil Code, as well as substantial changes in the U.S. in recent years. To ensurethe justice in compensation, I’ll bring up proposals for reasonable interpretation of Article195 “wrongfully damaged in a severe way”, which is in accordance with tort purposes andallow for damages for their genuine mental anguish; meanwhile, I’ll line the requirementswith the concept of pets, burden of proof, and offender’s Intentional or gross negligenceInfliction. This may not only meet the society’s expectations but also facilitate legal researchand legislative action.
起訖頁 45-96
關鍵詞 侵權行為人格權情感利益慰撫金損害賠償陪伴動物寵物tortspersonal rightssentimental valuerecovery of non-pecuniary losscompensationcompanion animalpet
刊名 東吳法律學報  
期數 201901 (30:3期)
出版單位 東吳大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 區塊鏈技術應用於我國公司治理法制之研究
該期刊-下一篇 論不適用勞基法工時規制之住院醫師的過勞認定與民事損害賠償之請求權基礎-以最高法院106年度台上字第15號民事判決為素材




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