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The Comparison Study of Vocational Training in Prison of Australia with Taiwan. - Three Cases of Victorian Prisons in Australia, Taiyuan Skill Training Institute, and Kaohsiung Drug Abuser Treatment Center, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice.
作者 王祥安林正昇蔡協利
技能訓練是一種教育也是訓練,澳大利亞結合社會資源引入矯正機關專科與技術教育(Technical and Further Education)是全世界矯正機關內最先進之教育、職業與技能訓練國家之一。近年研究發現習有一技之長的受刑人出獄後再犯率明顯較低,尤其是以整合(Reintegration)模式積極介入主導轉介更是關鍵。因此,本研究企圖比較澳洲與我國矯正機關技能訓練之優劣及其發展之機會與威脅藉由SWOT分析模式,列舉三個機關比較優勢(Strength)、劣勢(Weakness)、機會(Opportunity)、威脅(Threat)之重要指標,並依此研擬利用優勢與機會效應、改進劣勢與機會效應、監視優勢與威脅效應、消除劣勢與威脅效應,以為分析之準則與依據。分析時採用極大化(Maximize)優勢(S)與機會(0)、極小化(Maximize)劣勢(W)與威脅(T)之技巧,具體比較矯正機關辦理技能訓練包含組織編制等18項重要因素為分析題材。結果發現矯正機關辦理技能訓練應主動出擊,積極尋找社會資源,並透過建教合作模式成功就業,提高受刑人就業機會,同時減低再犯率等優點。基於霣務上長遠發展的前瞻思維下作為,提出未來於矯正機關內辦理技能訓練之建議,祈望結合公部門之資源,共同創造國家美好的未來,賦予人民、社區更安全的生活。 Vocational training is not only a kind of education, but also a kind of training. This research is to understand the implementation state of Victorian Prisons vocational training in Australia, one of the most famous countries in Correction field, who collaborated with the most important public education, Technical and Further Education (TAFE). In recent years new research study of Vocational Training has shown that prisoners, who having vocational training during in prison, have a low recidivism rate. Assisting prisoners in their transition from prison to community highlights the important of reintegration program. The instrument consists of four main parts. First, to listed Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Treat factors of cases about vocation training programs. Second, to account the SWOT profile by constructed a matrix of these factors and develop strategies. Third, to purpose the SO-strategies, improve the WO-strategies? monitor the ST-strategies,and eliminate the WT-strategies for developing strategies. After all, make up the construct strategies to compare with subjects. Analyses of content were used to detect significant difference among subjects. To maximize the SO factors, minimize the WT factors, and compare subjects in 18 factors included organizational structure, post-release program, and after-release program etc., which collected from recent years vocational training research studies in Taiwan. The findings of this study provided in support of improving vocational training state in correction institutes. To conclude, these results consist of strength factors and account scores from subjects. The findings of this study highlight the importance of provision in vocational training. These important characteristics of vocational training can offer correction institutes to develop new strategies in future.
起訖頁 106-142
關鍵詞 技能訓練建教合作訓用合一Vocational trainingcorrectional instituteSWOT
刊名 矯政  
期數 201301 (2:1期)
出版單位 法務部矯正署
該期刊-上一篇 假冒名義詐欺被害特徵分析之研究——以高雄市為例
該期刊-下一篇 柏林巴黎驚奇之旅




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