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A Research on the "Unity of Knowing and Acting" and Its Transcendental Explanation Based on Ethics
作者 陳士誠
知行合一是陽明學核心之一;探求其哲學史根源,以及其倫理學證成方式,以顯其學之規模,即本文之兩個目的。所謂根源,非泛指心學傳統中分析出一種模糊的觀念性連結,而是在確定文本中藉倫理學詮釋尋得文獻根據,以證此知行合一在經典承傳中之一脈相承處。此相承處即是《孟子.離婁上》中所揭示者:知之,即行之,此表示知行間的分析關係,在其中,知,乃智之實:知仁義,即固守仁義;因而,所謂知,即行其所知之遵守義。陽明謂是非心之知,其文本根據即可溯源至此,非如勞思光謂兩者只在詞源上有關而已。這是本文第一個目的。第二個目的乃是藉倫理學證成此知行合一之說。勞思光視「行」為發動義,把「行」一詞之意涵,從常識,提昇到心學與語言哲學位階,但若謂去證成知行合一在倫理學上的必然性,也即,知行何故非合一不可,這問題還需尋求更根本的說明。依本文,這乃基於一相關於使心學所蘊含之倫理學概念成為可能之先驗分析工作,也即,知行合一乃在人之主體同一性中成立,而這同一性則乃是使倫理規範與究責概念成為可能之先在性條件,從而即揭示知行合一之必然性基礎。在這同一性中,知與行在倫理上的屬己性被證立,從而倫理規範與究責之可能性才能被證成。因為,只有在知與行皆屬我的,我才能承認倫理規範之有效性及其可究責性,從而構成一藉主體之自我關係的形式性論證。 The doctrine of the "unity of knowing and acting" is one of the core concerns of Wang Yangming's philosophy. This paper is trying to elucidate Wang's theory by investigating: 1. The philosophical origin of this doctrine. 2. The justification of its ethical theory. Regarding the investigation of its "origin", I will show the philosophical inheritance between Wang's doctrine and classical texts by the support of relevant textual evidence, instead of examining the linkage between different general ideas in the School of mind. The common ground is revealed in Book 4A of Mencius, of which has been stated clearly that to know is to act. The relationship between knowing and acting is analytic. Since knowing is the richest content of wisdom, and genuine knowing is the observance of action, the knowing of benevolence and righteousness is also the observance of such values. Such Mencius' idea serves not only the lexical origin as suggested by Lao Sze-kwang, but also as the textual ground of Wang's understanding of the knowing function of the mind of discerning right and wrong. The second purpose of this paper is to justify the doctrine of the "unity of knowing and acting" by ethical interpretation. Lao emphasizes the significance of activity in the concept of "acting", and transforms the meaning of "acting" from common sense to the level of school of mind and philosophy of language. Nevertheless, if the ethical necessity of the "unity of knowing and acting" has to be justified, i.e. the reason why knowing necessarily entail acting, a further explanation is needed. In this paper, ideas in School of mind will be explained in terms of ethical concepts in order to achieve a transcendental analysis. The "unity of knowing and acting" is possible in subjective identity, which is the a priori condition to make the concept of an ethical norm and imputation possible. The ethical necessity of the "unity of knowing and acting" can thus be revealed. In the subjective identity, the ethical "ownness" of knowing and acting is justified, and an ethical norm and the possibility of imputation can also be possible. Since knowing and acting belong to one's own self, the ethical norm and its imputation is then valid. This is a formal argument constituted by the self-relation of one's subjectivity.
起訖頁 43-82
關鍵詞 知-行規範-究責意識之統一屬己性先驗說明knowing-its actionnorm-imputationunity of consciousnessownnesstranscendental explanation
刊名 國立臺灣大學哲學論評  
期數 201710 (54期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學哲學系
該期刊-上一篇 康德對觀念論的駁斥
該期刊-下一篇 空氣如何容受顏色?──亞里斯多德論中介物、光、與視覺




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