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國立臺灣大學哲學論評 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

On Goblet Words: Coexistence and Writing in the Zhuangzi
作者 魏家豪
This article attempts to reframe the state of research on the notion of goblet words (zhiyan) in the Zhuangzi. Recent studies predominantly view the notion of zhiyan as referring to peculiar stylistic forms exhibited in the Zhuangzi-forms such as dilemmatic questions and paradoxes. In this article, I question the quick identification of these forms as zhiyan. I argue that zhiyan are essentially definite yet provisional simple-form utterances located on the level of everyday interaction and coexistence. On this level, the peculiar stylistic forms do not play their part. However, such stylistic forms do become indispensable in discussing and recommending zhiyan. It is on this meta-level-for the Zhuangzi, the level of writing-that we find these forms employed. Based on structural similarities, we may stretch the label ‘zhiyan’ to include such forms but should keep in mind that any such extension is secondary to the use of language in coexisting with others. 本文嘗試重塑有關《莊子》巵言之研究。近年來,學界大多將巵言視為《莊子》中特殊文體形式,如兩難問題及悖論。本文對於是否能輕易地將這些形式視為巵言存疑,進而試圖論證巵言基本上是簡單形式的言辭,其特色為明確但暫時性的,作用於日常互動與共存上。於此層面,特殊文體形式可謂無用武之地;然而,於探討並進而提倡巵言之時,特殊文體形式便成為不可或缺的一環。正是於此後設之層次--就《莊子》而言,則是寫作之層次--我們發現特殊文體形式之運用。基於結構上之相似度,我們或能將此等文體稱為「巵言」,但同時不應忘記,其乃從屬於與他者共存時所運用之語言。
起訖頁 75-108
關鍵詞 Zhuangzigoblet words (zhiyan)coexistencewritingcommunication《莊子》巵言共存寫作溝通
刊名 國立臺灣大學哲學論評  
期數 201703 (53期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學哲學系
該期刊-上一篇 On the Very Idea of a Minimal Proposition
該期刊-下一篇 朱子心性論可以回應道德責任歸屬嗎?




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