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國立臺灣大學哲學論評 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

On Hung Yao-Shun's Conception of "Absolute Dialectics of Alethiology"
作者 黃文宏
洪耀勳(1903-1986)日治時期台灣主要的哲學家之一,然而其研究直至今日仍然沒有受到學界應有的重視。本論文的目的主要有二,首先在解明其「真理論的絕對辯證法」的構想的基本概念,其次在指出其「絕對辯證法」的構想的幾個可能的發展方向。本文在行文上區分為五個章節。首先(壹)在簡短地介紹本文的主要問題之後,我們將重心置於洪耀勳的於日治時期所出版的〈存在與真理--努出比徹的真理論的一個考察〉。在這裡洪耀勳一方面將其銜接於努出比徹的形上學的構想,一方面試圖轉化努出比徹的真理論的實在論為一種「真理論的絕對辯證法」,而釐清洪耀勳對努出比徹思想的改造是本論文的重點。然後我們將解明洪耀勳對努出比徹的真理論的詮釋(貳、參、肆)。在洪耀勳這篇長達145頁的論文當中,我們可以看到他如何深入努出比徹的真理論,並在徹底化其想法中提出「真理論的絕對辯證法」的主張。最後(伍)我們討論洪耀勳對努出比徹的批判。洪耀勳的計畫仍然是一個未完成的理念,這讓某些他的創造性的思想仍然處於晦暗之中。本文在此藉由解明其基本概念、強化其基本論證,闡釋其對哲學所擁有的幾個可能的貢獻與方向。 Hung Yao-Shun (1903-1986), one of the major Taiwanese philosophers in the Japanese ruled period, whose research deserves more attention today. My intention in this paper is twofold: First, to clarify some basic concepts of his "absolute dialectics of alethiological dialectics", and secondly to indicate some possible developments of his logic. The paper is divided into five sections. After a brief introduction to the leading question of my paper (section one), I focus on his main philosophical work "Being and Truth - A Study of Schalwa Nuzubidse's Alethiology" published in April 1938 (totally 145 pages). Nuzubidse attempts to explicate the traditional metaphysics as an aletheological realism, aiming at the disclosure of the truth-in-itself. Some of the basic concepts of Nuzubidse's alethiology and Hung's interpretation are discussed here (sections two, three, four). Through these discussions, we can see that Hung goes deeply into the core of Nuzubidse's alethiology and radicalizes his alethiological realism step by step to an "Absolute Dialectics of Alethiology". Finally, Hung's critique on Nuzubidse is discussed in the last section (section five). Hung's project remains an unfinished ideal, which makes some of his creative thoughts still obscure. By explicating his concepts and reinforcing his arguments, some of the possible contributions and new perspectives that Hung provided to philosophy will be expounded in this section.
起訖頁 1-33
關鍵詞 台灣哲學洪耀勳努出比徹真理論辯證法Taiwanese philosophyHung Yao-ShunSchalwa Nuzubidsealethiologydialectics
刊名 國立臺灣大學哲學論評  
期數 201703 (53期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學哲學系
該期刊-下一篇 On the Very Idea of a Minimal Proposition




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