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Perceptual Anti-Individualism and Vision Science
作者 梁益堉
I discuss the nature of visual perception from an interdisciplinary perspective. The target of investigation is Tyler Burge's theory of perceptual anti-individualism, according to which perceptual states constitutively depend on relations between perceivers and the external world. Burge argues that this theory is presupposed by vision science. My goal is to argue that perceptual anti-individualism is not the only theoretical choice. First, I consider the notion of homeostasis and suggest how it may cast doubt on the perceptual norms in Burge's theory. Second, I argue that many phenomena studied by vision science can be explained without positing Burge's notions of veridicality and singular representation. Third, I consider some empirical theories and argue that vision science does not uniquely favor Burge's theory. I conclude that perceptual anti-individualism is not the only framework for understanding visual perception. 本文從跨領域的角度探討視覺的根本性質,並以Tyler Burge的「知覺的反個體主義」(perceptual anti-individualism)為研究對象。根據這一理論,知覺狀態的本質乃是由知覺者與外在環境的互動關係而定。Burge提出論證主張:視覺科學(vision science)預設了這個理論。本文反對這個觀點,並企圖從三方面來論證:「知覺的反個體主義」不是我們理解視覺的唯一理論選項。首先,我討論「體內恆定」(homeostasis)的概念,並指出這概念會使我們對Burge理論中的「知覺規範」(perceptual norms)產生質疑。第二,我以論證指出:許多視覺科學所研究的現象,可以不必預設Burge理論中的「正確性」(veridicality)和「單一表徵」(singular representation)也能得到解釋。第三,我討論一些有關視覺的科學理論並論證:許多視覺科學領域中的看法其實不支持Burge的理論。本文的結論是:「知覺的反個體主義」並不是瞭解視覺本質唯一可選的理論架構。
起訖頁 87-120
關鍵詞 知覺視覺科學知覺反個體主義perceptionvision scienceperceptual anti-individualism
刊名 國立臺灣大學哲學論評  
期數 201403 (47期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學哲學系
該期刊-上一篇 非單調推論及預建:評洛特之反例




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