中文摘要 |
聯合國反貪腐公約(United Nations Convention against Corruption,以下簡稱UNCAC)有二特性,其一,締約國最多,也是唯一具有法律拘束力之反貪國際規範。其二,規範內容最多元廣泛,包括五領域:預防措施、犯罪話與執法、國際合作、資產追討、以及技術合作暨資訊交換。2015年台灣通過並施行聯合國反貪腐公約施行法。這是迄今全球唯一非聯合國會員國之主權國家主動立法並且執行UNCAC之例。台灣自從1971年退出聯合國之後,沒有遵守聯合國各個公約之法律義務,但是「為積極促進本公約所揭示反貪腐法制和政策之實現」,行政院推動立法,於2015年制定施行法方式國內法化,「明定本公約之規定具有國內法律之效力」(法務部2015)。換言之,UNCAC在台灣具有法律拘束力,政府與人民有遵循的法定義務。本文引用耶魯大學法學院前院長高洪株「互補型之概念視角」(complementary conceptual lenses),兼容並蓄多元之理論並且綜合融貫之,包括理性選擇的自利論、自由主義之國內結構論、建構主義之價值共享論以及聲譽論,探討台灣在長期外交孤立的困境下,為何(why)願意以非聯合國會員國的主權國家身分,自行立法實施UNCAC?又如何(how)執法?有何(what)實務上之窒礙難行?本文進行遵循(compliance)理論之梳理,比較國際關係各學派對於主權國家遵循國際公約的動機。其次,探討同儕審查機制,基於深度訪談TI國際公約部專家,分類與分析UNCAC之法的拘束力。分為強制規定(mandatory measures),非強制之建議規定(non-mandatory measures),以及任擇規定(optional measures)等三類規範,分別論述其立法目的與目前國際間反貪實務之落差(UNODC 2012)。其三,以先進國家為基準,比較分析台灣施行UNCAC之落差,結論中提出政策建議,包括精進措施。台灣政府在追求國際接軌的企圖心與積極作法毋庸置疑,實踐UNCAC的內國法化已臻完善,惟執法進度仍有待賡續進行國家報告與國際審查。
Taiwan is not a UN member since 1971. There is no legal obligation for Taiwan to comply with UN-related conventions such as the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), which is passed by the UN Assembly in 2003. Nonetheless, the Executive Yuan of Taiwan actively pushed to enact domestic law to comply and implement UNCAC legal provisions and police in 2015. This research, based on complementary conceptual lenses advocated by Prof. H. H. Koh of former Yale Law School Dean, applies and synthesizes multiple theories, including self-interest of rational choice, domestic structure of liberalism, shared values of constructivism, and reputational costs theory (Koh 1997). This research aims to explore why Taiwan is willing to implement UNCAC and how it implemented, and what's obstacles in practices, given Taiwan is a non-UN member sovereign state. The methodology of this research includes in-depth interviews and focus-group discussions. Both approaches, based on the Principal Investigator's long-term partnership in global anti-corruption movement, are applied to grasp international insider's first hand expertise and insights on the practice of the UNCAC in their respective countries. The contributions of this research rest on theoretical innovation on state compliance of international rules (why non-UN member like Taiwan's obey UNCAC) as well as the pioneer study of Taiwan's compliance assessment from academic perspectives, which can serve a useful model reference for the civil society to compile the first parallel report vis-à-vis Taiwan government's UNCAC country report. |