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Empire Readers' Reading and Imagination of the Literature of the Colonized: The Peer Magazine Capital of Literature and Arts as an Example
作者 王惠珍
本文主要以日文同人雜誌《文藝首都》作為考察範疇,探討帝國讀者如何閱讀想像殖民地作家的文本。首先,探討《文藝首都》主編保高德藏的個人經歷,釐清他的生命特質和經歷,說明他與這群旅日的殖民地作家之間有怎樣的互動經歷,且如何支持他們的創作活動。接著,探討殖民地作家在《文藝首都》發表的情況,及殖民地同人間的互動情形。最後,探討《文藝首都》讀者對被殖民者文學的閱讀理解。根據新挖掘的資料,以金史良的〈光之中〉與青木洪的〈在東京的角落〉為例,說明欠缺殖民地理解的同人讀者對於殖民地作家作品的閱讀想像,有其「見」與「不見」,大都停留在文學層次的討論,文本中隱匿於人物憤怒情緒與認同矛盾中的敘事情節,常被略而不提。總之,在日本文學場域中,殖民地作家知音難尋,他們在日本文壇的存在價值隨著時代變遷,而被賦予不同的意義。 This paper focuses on the Japanese peer magazine Capital of Literature and Arts, examining how empire readers read and imagine the texts of the colonial writers. Frist, this paper delineates the career of the magazine's chief editor保高德藏 and clarifies his character as well as explicates his relationships with those colonial writers who travelled in Japan and his support for their creative activities. Secondly, this paper discusses the publication of the colonial writers and their interaction with each other. Finally, this paper investigates the ways by which the readers of the magazine understand the literature of the colonized. Through the newly discovered materials such as 金史良’s 'In the Light' and 青木洪's 'At the Comer of Tokyo,' this paper attempts to argue that those readers who lack of understanding of Japan's colonies have their own blindness and insight while encountering these texts by colonial writers. More often than not, they dwell upon the literary level of the texts, but neglect the colonial writers' anger and anxiety with regard to their contradictory identity. In sum, in the field of the Japanese literary circle, it is difficult for the colonial writers to meet someone who really understand their hidden messages and therefore the value of their work changes over time and is often endowed with different meanings.
起訖頁 1-33
關鍵詞 帝國讀者被殖民者文學《文藝首都》Empire Readersthe Literature of the ColonizedCapital of Literature and Arts
刊名 臺灣文學研究集刊  
期數 201202 (11期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學臺灣文學研究所
該期刊-下一篇 性、啟蒙與歷史債務:李永平《大河盡頭》的創傷和敘事




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