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On Self-Mourning Fu: A Female Narrative Autobiography by Ban Jye-Yu
作者 蕭湘鳳
在明清以前,女性寫作並無群體與傳統可言,女性僅藉個人才情在所處的時代,如流星般劃過天際,留下令人驚豔的光芒,班倢伃就是中國女性文學扉頁上的一顆晨星。班倢伃(約西元前48年-西元前6年)有篇〈自悼賦〉以自我敘事為重心,是中國第一篇女性自傳賦,其中可以清晰看到漢代文化氛圍所啟發班倢伃的是才德兼備的形象。班倢伃寫〈自悼賦〉的動機應是為了表現自己與皇上的距離位移,同時開展了一種關係動態,在其中包含了自己所經歷的歷史事件,和對自我生命情境的抒發。值得觀注的是,班倢伃以女性身份從事寫作,無形中跨越了性別角色的限制,惜後代論及班倢伃較側重於深宮怨婦的形象,無人從女性書寫賦體傳記的角度來觀察班倢伃,因此本文嘗試從此角度切入,以尋找出潛存於賦體的女性敘事意義。 Before Ming and Ching Dynasties, few people devote themselves in female writing, nor is there any tradition. Female writers can only rely on their personal intellectual ability to shine in the history of Chinese literature. Concubine Ban happens to be the first star of Chinese female literature. A masterpiece Chi-Diao Fu (long poems written in the mean to mourn over oneself) of Ban (about 48A.D. to 6A.D.) is written in first-person point of view, and it is the first time ever for a Chinese female writer to do so. In the piece of work, we can visualize how a woman like Ban was influenced by the cultural atmosphere of Han Dynasty, which induced their integrity and brilliance. The motivation of composing Chi-Diao Fu is probably to reveal the distant relationship between Ban and the Emperor, and present the active relationship among people, including the historic events she experienced; meanwhile, to express her personal feeling. Worthwhile mentioning is the female perspective of Ban in writing, which is actually exploring the literal boundary between genders. Unfortunately, Ban is commonly described by commentators nowadays as a lonely concubine trapped in the palace. Few people observe her work in the role of a female writer, which makes this article possible to find out the hidden meaning of narrative writing by female writers.
起訖頁 133-157
關鍵詞 班倢伃自悼賦漢成帝女性敘事閨怨賦Concubine BanChi-Diao FuEmperor Cheng of Hanfemale narrative writingQuei-Yuan Fu (Long poems written by lonely wives)
刊名 世新中文研究集刊  
期數 201107 (7期)
出版單位 世新大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 戰後臺灣方志纂修的總體考察與論析
該期刊-下一篇 王符《潛夫論》版本流傳考




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