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An Analysis on Chi Wu Lun and Qui Shui
作者 楊穎詩
本文欲由文本出發,分為詮釋方法及義理內容兩部份,依次比較〈齊物論〉與〈秋水〉於義理上之異同。在詮釋方法上可分兩方面說明。一為言說方式:〈齊物論〉以渾化言說的方式體證萬物齊一,而〈秋水〉則以辯名析理的方式來說明萬物平齊之理。二為論證方法:〈齊物論〉從主體修養向上超越照見萬物齊一,從實踐工夫的進路來談萬物之平齊;〈秋水〉則透過往外推論逼顯出無物不齊之境,以重思辨分析的方式來談齊物。從詮釋方法來看〈齊物論〉為主觀實踐進路,〈秋水〉則傾向客觀思辨進路。在義理內容來看,二者均朝向齊平心知執著之成見,只是〈秋水〉所平齊之物除了成見外,亦涉及客觀萬物的平齊之平等觀。 Based on the original scripts, this paper will discuss the similarities and differences between Chi Wu Lun and Qiu Shui. This analysis will be conducted in two parts: by the way of annotations and philosophical ideas. There are two aspects to illustrate the subject theory by the way of annotations. Firstly, by speaking – Chi Wu Lun uses a plain and explanatory method to illustrate equality among all things, whilst Qiu Shui uses an argumentative approach to illustrate the same subject. Secondly, Chi Wu Lun starts the illustration by way of uplifting an individual's behaviour and manner. Such enhanced individual spirit will aid the understanding of the theory of equality among all things. This illustrates the subject theory by experience. In contrast, Qui Shui uses an outward deduction to illustrate such theory. It places importance on the use of analysis and thoughts. In terms of the way of annotations, Chi Wu Lun belongs to the class of subjective values, whilst Qui Shui belongs to the class of objective values. In regards to philosophical ideas, both Chi Wu Lun and Qui Shui are based on unbiased approaches. In addition, Qui Shui has included an objective view of equality among all things.
起訖頁 49-70
關鍵詞 莊子齊物論秋水主觀實踐客觀思辨Chuang TzuChi Wu LunQiu Shuithe subject value as an approachobjective thinking to be its approach
刊名 世新中文研究集刊  
期數 201107 (7期)
出版單位 世新大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 現代‧儀典‧在地感——鄉土敘事之轉變:以王文興〈海濱聖母節〉與吳明益〈虎爺〉為例
該期刊-下一篇 陰陽、鬼神——城隍屬性之探討




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