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Chats on Chinese Scripts
作者 許進雄
語言是群居社會為了溝通相互的思想而發展起來的複雜書寫符號,是高度文明社會的產物。世界各古老文明的表意文字,都可以幫助我們了解其時的社會。因為這些文字的圖畫性很重,不但告訴我們那時存在的動植物、使用的器物,也往往可以讓我們窺見創造文字時的構想,以及借以表達意義的事物。為了讓更多非專業的人士了解中國文字所反映的古人生活經驗,乃架設「殷墟書卷」的網站,每篇使用約一千一百個字及一幅圖版,介紹各別文字的創意以及其所反映的生活背景。網址為:http:/mypaper.pchome.com.tw/jameshsu12。自2008.11.10以來,已張貼超過一百一十篇短文,於此選錄其中九則,以見其大概。 Writing script is a complicated writing system developed within a highly civilized community for the purpose of exchanging ideas and keeping records. All ancient writing systems created through pictographic principles enable us to deduce and understand the respective social backgrounds. These pictographic drawings not only allow us to know the existence of animals, plants and utensils used at that time, but also give us clues to uncover the conceptions behind the creation of scripts and the various objects used to express specific meanings. I set up a blog in the net-work hoping to enable non-professionals to appreciate ancient Chinese society and life easily through the explanations of how scripts were created and what information they reveal. Starting from November 10, 2008 to this day I have posted more than 110 essays discussing about 1100 characters with a photograph attached to each. Nine essays are selected here to show samples of the contents and topics of my blog. The website is located at: http:/mypaper.pchome.com.tw/jameshsu12.
起訖頁 1-27
關鍵詞 殷墟書卷文字學古代社會紋身薰香文官政治拼裝船隻多層建築舞蹈祈雨精神沮喪梯與山之別歸寧Scrolls at the dwelling place of the Yin peoplePhilologyAncient societyTattooIncenseBureaucracyShip constructionRain pray dancingDepressionDifference between ladders and mountainsBride visiting paternal home
刊名 世新中文研究集刊  
期數 201107 (7期)
出版單位 世新大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 現代‧儀典‧在地感——鄉土敘事之轉變:以王文興〈海濱聖母節〉與吳明益〈虎爺〉為例




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