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A Knowledge-Based Engineering Method for Auto-Routing Design of Ventilation System in Ship Engine Room
作者 吳盈翰紀凱鴻邵揮洲
本文嘗試在船舶機艙通風系統佈置階段,提出一個可以直接在三維環境中進行機艙通風系統佈置的知識工程設計方法,以PDMS平台為三維環境基礎並輔以PML程式語言建置一個三維風管自動佈置環境。導入知識工程建立一個可擴充式的佈管規則知識庫系統,再運用各種佈管知識,妥善的佈置風管路徑並解決各種不合理的佈置情形,最後再將設計結果以三維幾何模型呈現於PDMS平台上。木文所提出的船舶三維風管自動化佈置設計程序的好處,由於是與船舶資料庫在同一個平台,因此當完成設計即可提供後續船舶設計的相關生產資訊,以減少後續設計的協調時間與重工,有助於提升下游設計者之工作效率。再者還可以將船廠累積之機艙通風設計經驗,轉換成可運用的風管設計規則之外,進而提升造船廠之迎風系統設計能力。 This research tends to construct an auto-routing ship ventilation system that all environment restricted conditions are taken into consideration at the initial design stage of ship engine room ventilation arrangement, so we propose a design method that is able to build the round pipe components in the 3D environment where we refer the PDMS and its assisting PML programming language. Moreover, we apply the knowledge-based engineering (KBE) concept to the design f10w and build up an extensible rule-based KBE system for shipyards. The system is able to deduce through the pipe arrangement process and solve some irrational planning on the basis of the rules in the knowledge base and display the design results on the PDMS platform as the 3D geometric models.The superiority of this research is to propose an auto-routing and auto-modeling form according to the specialty of PDMS, which is able to reduce the complexity of 3D geometric model design and the error rate due to the manual operation. In other words, the ventilation system is able to use the knowledge from the engineers to solve the design problems while planning the ventilation system in ship.
起訖頁 75-88
關鍵詞 機艙通風自動化設計知識工程Knowledge-Based EngineeringShip Ventilation SystemAutomatic Routing Design
刊名 中國造船暨輪機工程學刊  
期數 201205 (31:2期)
出版單位 中國造船暨輪機工程師學會
該期刊-上一篇 以操船模擬機為測試平台之多種導航法應用分析
該期刊-下一篇 電子式照明設備之船用性能評估




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