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Document-Based Ship Design Resource Integrated Framework for Basic Design Process
作者 吳盈翰邵揮洲
船舶基本設計是船舶生命週期中最重要的一環,設計結果將影響後續的設計。船舶基本設計的特點是其中的設計參數較為繁多而且其中設計參數之間互為影響,在設計過程中需要經常查詢與計算才能確定設計參數。基本設計完成後的設計資訊將作為後續設計的依據,設計資訊可由工程師匯整成為一份簡要規範文件。如能夠研發一個設計資源的整合平台,直接產出一份簡要規範文件,並可提供做為後續設計階段的設計輸入。本文透過分析簡要規範文件,擬訂一份結構化的文件,並分析船舶基本設計的設計知識,建立基本設計知識庫。分別定義規範文件、設計流程、產品資料與設計知識的本體論結構,將規範文件與產品資訊、設計流程與設計知識、設計知識與規範文件等之間各項的關係,建立其實體間的關聯性整合各項本體論結構,建立提供各項基本設計的船舶設計資源整合環境。將船舶設計知識建立成知識規則,配合推論機制成為設計資源。以推論引擎執行船舶基本設計的機制,而這樣不僅方便設計流程的維護,更可以達成上下游設計資訊的連結。採用基本設計規則對設計資訊進行推論為實例,產出一份完整的簡要規範文件。 The basic design stage of ship constitutes an important base from which to develop the basic ship characteristics to be used as goals in following design stages. To determine ship design parameters that can satisfy various requirements needs to often query and calculation in the design process. The design information of the basic design will be used as a basis for following design stages, and design information can be compiled into an outline specification. To develop a design resource integrated framework output directly an outline specification which provide input information for the following design stages. First of al1, the method manages the design information through a document-based concept which turns the original documents into the XML format and compiles lots of rules for basic design process. Second, the establishment of product data ontology, knowledge ontology, documents ontology and design flow ontology was to enhance the flexibility extension and relation of the entities between different ontology. The conception of linking design knowledge base and inference engine turns out to combine the ship design information and founded design resource integrated framework by the research team. At last, the outline specification generating integration work through inference method attempts to reduce the double work of design and modeling while starting a new project.
起訖頁 1-16
關鍵詞 船舶基本設計設計資源整合架構本體論Ship Basic DesignDesign Resource Integrated FrameworkOntology
刊名 中國造船暨輪機工程學刊  
期數 201102 (30:1期)
出版單位 中國造船暨輪機工程師學會
該期刊-下一篇 影像處理及模糊控制在船舶進港時避碰之應用




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