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中國造船暨輪機工程學刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Recreated Model of 400-Liao Zhan-Zuo Ship and Its Performance Analysis
作者 曾樹銘陳政宏
我們針對明朝肆百料戰座船進行復原研究與考證、模型製作及性能分析。首先我們引介西方的古船復原理論,討論如何區分不同程度的復原,並將其名稱譯為中文,將此復原研究定位為模型的創復及其性能分析;再依據《南船紀》[l]與《龍江船廠志》[2]之資料建造一1/25之遙控模型及一1/10的精密展示模型;過程中修訂了《南船紀》與《龍江船廠志》中有關肆佰料戰座船船體各部位描述的錯誤,並提供計算肆佰料戰座船有效容積的圖示,計算出約略的有效容積4030立方尺與排水量260噸;然後歸納到目前為止以造船工程學之理論與工具分析肆佰料戰座船的性能,發現戰座船的阻力與安全性能介於福船與沙船之間,各種性能的取捨平衡良好,確實為適合於水上作戰用的船隻。 A four-hundred liao Zhan-Zuo Ship, a flag ship of navy fleet in Ming dynasty, was studied technically by recreated model making and performance analysis. We introduced the replication theory proposed by Western scholars and translate terminologies of different degree of replication into Chinese. Then, we used records in Nan-Chuan-Ji and Longjian-Chuan-Chang-Zhi to make to (1/0 and 1/25) recreated models Some errors in the records were also corrected. The volume (4030 cubic chi) for cargo, equipment and people and total displacement (260 ton) were calculated for further study on the problem of liao. Using modern naval architecture tools, the hydrostatic performance and safety performance were calculated or simulated. It shows that Zhan-Zuo Ship is a ship type between Fu-chuan and Sha-chuan with good balance in performance and suitable for battle.
起訖頁 59-75
關鍵詞 戰座船古船復原復原船南船紀龍江船廠志Zhan-Zuo ShipRecreated ShipNan-Chuan-JiLongjian-Chuan-Chang-Zhiliao
刊名 中國造船暨輪機工程學刊  
期數 200602 (25:1期)
出版單位 中國造船暨輪機工程師學會
該期刊-上一篇 RFID在遊艇裝備供應商庫存作業之應用研究




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