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An Analysis of the Relationship between Mega Motor Yachts' Features and Aesthetic Perceptions
作者 陳政宏劉佳達
本研究以感性工學之方法探討巨型動力式遊艇外觀造型與美感認知之量化關聯,係以問卷調查及統計方法進行,內容分成兩個階段、六個步驟;第一階段為形容詞語彙與設計要素的挑選,有四個步驟:收集感性語彙、收集圖片樣本、建立語意意象空間、挑選設計要素;第二階段為意象與設計要素之結合,有兩個步驟:感性意象調查、意象語彙與設計要素之關聯性分析。其中在收集感性語彙、建立意象空間及關聯性分析均使用問卷調查法,而統計方法中的因素分析法用於建立意象空間上,複迴歸分析則用於分析意象語彙與設計要素的關聯性。分析結果發現:影響感受種類最多的遊艇外形設計要素有舷側線幾何、船室長度、艏錨的位置及天線外罩位置。而調整一些設計要素可以增加或減少一些美感認知,例如:氣派或簡約、便宜或昂貴、圓滑或尖銳、長型或短型、高尚或低俗、協調或突兀、搶眼或普通、古典或前衛、迅速或緩慢等九組本研究發現最具代表性的美感。其次,男女兩性對於天線外罩位置、船室長度給予的感性認知會有很大的差異,其餘的族群背景對美感認知差距不明顯。本研究受限於樣本背景過於集中在東亞年輕人,結果能否適用於歐美中年人等潛在客戶,還需後續研究檢驗。 This research conducted an analysis of the relationship between mega motor yachts' features and aesthetic perceptions by Kansei engineering method, including questionnaires and statistical methods. There were two stages and six steps: The first stage includes choosing the perceptual vocabularies, collecting sample pictures, establishing perception space, and selecting important design factors by factor analysis method, the second stage includes the questionnaire investigation using the combination of images and designing factors, and the multiple regression analysis of the relationship between aesthetic perceptions and design factors. The analysis result shows that the most important yacht's feature are the position of the aerial dustcoat position, lateral line geometry on sides of a yacht, the length of main room, and the anchor position, adjusting some design factors can increase or reduce the most nine representative aesthetic perception, such as magnificent/simple, cheap/expensive, smooth/sharp, long/short, noble/vulgar, harmonic/abrupt, eye-catching common, classical advanced, fast/slow. Secondly, men and women have different perceptions on antenna position and the length of rooms. All the other disparity of aesthetic feelings of ethnicity background is not obvious. This research is limited by biased samples whose background overly concentrated on the young people in East Asia. Whether the result could be suitable for potential mega motor yacht customers, such as American-European middle-aged men, needs to be examined by further studies.
起訖頁 153-164
關鍵詞 遊艇巨型遊艇船舶美學感性工學YachtMega YachtShip AestheticsKansei Engineering
刊名 中國造船暨輪機工程學刊  
期數 200508 (24:3期)
出版單位 中國造船暨輪機工程師學會
該期刊-上一篇 蒸汽渦輪發電機故障診斷之研究
該期刊-下一篇 含開孔之圓筒型壓力殼初始疲勞壽命估算之研究




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