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On the Ship Roll Reduction and Track Keeping by Using the Sliding Mode Control with Genetic Algorithm
作者 方銘川李銘霖羅志宏
In the paper, the simulation of ship maneuvering in regular waves is accomplished by a simplified six degrees of freedom mathematical model encompassing calm water maneuvering and traditional seakeeping theories. The sliding mode controller with the line-of-sight (LOS) guidance is adopted for the rudder control to steer the ship in waves with the functions of track keeping and roll reduction, in which the design parameters are optimized from genetic algorithm. The nonlinear mathematical model developed here has been proved to be successful by simulating the motion responses of a container ship steering in different heading angle and wave height, and the roll response is indeed reduced by the present sliding mode controller. The present results reveal that the hydrodynamic model and roll reduction technique developed here can be regard as an efficient tool for naval architects to analyze the ship maneuvering behavior with roll reduction by rudder control in waves at the preliminary design stage. 本文以結合操縱性與耐海性的六度非線性運動方程式模擬船隻在規則波下的操縱反應。配合LOS導引的滑動模式控制器是以操舵控制的方式,使船隻在波浪中的航跡能維持在既定航線並降低橫搖量,而控制器的設計參數是以基因演算法來求得最佳化。經由貨櫃船的操縱模擬可發現所採用的滑動模式控制器,在不同航向與波高下確實可降低橫搖量。本文所發展的數學模式與減搖方法可用於初步設計階段,來評估船隻在波浪中進行操舵減搖的操縱性能。
起訖頁 133-142
關鍵詞 航跡維持減搖滑動模式控制器基因演算法Track keepingRoll reductionSliding Mode ControlGenetic algorithm
刊名 中國造船暨輪機工程學刊  
期數 200508 (24:3期)
出版單位 中國造船暨輪機工程師學會
該期刊-下一篇 蒸汽渦輪發電機故障診斷之研究




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