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Economic Issues of Rural Cultural Tourism: A Case of Neiwan Old Street in Hsinchu County
作者 廖淑容
在全球化過程中,觀光策略是鄉村尋求再發展機會的途徑,從過去相關研究也證實了此論述的必然性。然而觀光策略產生的經濟效益,多以總體的結果檢視,對於地區本身或鄰近地區的效益,也需要討論,而觀光發展的結果,也經常出現短暫且不延續的現象。本研究以新竹縣內灣客家聚落的觀光發展為對象,透過觀光發展過程中,供給和需求兩個面向,調查商家的經營、資源連結、和經濟貢獻,也探討遊客對於內灣商圈的參與認知,並從客家符號、社會和情感作用等面向,解釋鄉村觀光經濟發展的作用力、效益、和潛藏的議題。結果回應鄉村觀光經濟的地區性,也指出產業與空間的連結作用,有別於論述單一鄉村地區經濟效益的研究,而遊客的認知因素分析,也論證地區符號和差異性的必要,避免鄉村觀光發展的短暫現象。 The rural tourism has been driven by cities as a specific strategy for a new economic pattern in globalization. However, economic benefits of the rural tourism were usually discussed by views of developmental impacts and tourist’s behaviors but local business and related economy in neighboring areas. By the way, a short and non-sustainable development could usually be obeserved in process of the rural tourism. This study tried to select a case of Neiwan hakka community in Hsinchu county to explore commerical activities and economic connections by investigating business conditions of local stores (in supply) and tourist consuming behaviors (in demand) in the tourism economy. It would be also expected to explain the force of economy, benefits, and potential issues of the rural tourism from viewpoints of hakka symbol, social and emotional effects. The results can respond to the locality of tourism economy and industrial connections in space which were different to studies aimed at economic influences in single rural community. The analysis of tourists’ awareness also indicates necessities of rural identity and symbol to avoid a temporary development in the rural tourism.
起訖頁 1-35
關鍵詞 客家文化鄉村發展鄉村觀光鄉村經濟Hakka CultureRural DevelopmentRural TourismRural Economy
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 201705 (20:1期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-下一篇 河川生態價值評估與生態補償之研究——以零淨損失為中心




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