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Comparing Attitude Towards Farmland Multiple Functions of Between Local Farmer Owing Farmland Property Inside and Outside Zone Expropriation Project Area: A Case Study of Wanbau Community
作者 王玉真 (Yu-Jen Wang)李承嘉吳貞儀 (Jen-Yi Wu)
苗栗縣後龍科技園區(位在苗栗縣後龍鎮灣寶里)的區段徵收計畫,因為當地農民極力抗爭反對,最後經內政部區域計畫委員會審議不通過。既有研究多以質化方法得到結果指出,當地農民反對徵收是起於對農地具有多元價值功能的認知。本文則以李克特態度量表,對灣寶里的農民進行問卷調查,並比較徵收區農民(農地位於徵收計畫範圍內之農民)及非徵收區農民(農地不在徵收計畫範圍內之農民),對於農地價值功能認知的差異。調查結果顯示,徵收區農民對農地多元價值功能的認知普遍高於非徵收區的農民。本文認為,這種情況可能是因為要避免農地被徵收,被徵收區的農民吸收了農地多元價值功能的觀點,並做為抗爭徵收的論述基礎所致。 The zone expropriation project of the Houlong Industry Park (HIP) did not bring into effect due to strong protest by local farmers. Many studies conducted by qualitative research methods suggest that local farmers having high awareness of multiple functions of farmland would protest zone expropriation. This paper adopts Likert’s scale questionnaires to explore the attitude of farmers living in Wanbau community towards farmland functions. The local farmers were divided into two groups (group 1 and group 2). Group 1 was made up of the local farmers who own or rent farmland inside HIP, and group 2 the local farmer do not own or rent farmland inside HIP. We compared the attitude towards multiple functions between these two groups. The result shows that group 1 has a higher percentage in agreeing with multiple functions of farmland than group 2.This paper suggests a possible reason for this obtained result: group 1 attempt to avoid zone expropriation in the name of multiple functions of farmland and thus they absorb the arguments of multiple functions of farmland.
起訖頁 45-81
關鍵詞 多功能農業區段徵收農地多元功能灣寶社區Multifunctional AgricultureMultiple Functions of FarmlandWanbau CommunityZone Expropriation
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 201505 (18:1期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 台灣地區GPS衛星追蹤站之天線相位中心與天線罩改正之研究
該期刊-下一篇 資本化率屋齡效果之比較分析




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