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台灣土地研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Developing Multifunctional Farmland Use Indicators
作者 王俊豪 (Jiun-Hao Wang)方珍玲陳美芬
本研究鑑於農地為農業生產的基礎,嘗試將農業多功能性的觀念,轉換成農地多功能利用的分析架構,除評析歐盟多功能農業評估指標的發展現況之外,主要目的在於建構我國農地多功能利用的評估指標,並進一步探討農地多功能利用指標系統與不同農地利用方案的對應關係,以作為推動農地資源永續利用之參考依據。本研究以歐盟鄉村發展與農業環境統計年報為藍本,依據專家評分結果重新歸納為四大功能面向與12項功能指標,再引進五類重要的農地利用方案作為判準,以釐清不同開發強度的農地利用方案,對於農地多功能利用的影響程度。根據分析層級程序法的分析結果,發現在農地多功能利用的政策目標下,不同功能面向的權重,依序為環境永續化(0.481)、景觀生態化(0.195)、經營人力專業化(0.163),以及經濟多樣化(0.161)。其次,在個別的農地利用功能面向下,其權重最高的評估指標,分別為增加生態使用面積(0.195)、增加森林面積(0.101)、加強農業教育訓練(0.098),以及增加農業產值(0.077)。最後,本研究評比不同農地利用方案對達成各項功能指標的權重總值時,依其貢獻度的評比高低,依序為保育使用、觀光遊憩使用、集約使用、粗放使用,及興建農舍方案。其中,保育使用方案在多數的評估指標上,均呈現較高的評價權重;相對的,農地興建農舍方案的整體評價最低,最不利於農地資源的永續利用,也無益於農業多功能價值的展現。 The term multifunctionality was initiated as theoretical considerations of agricultural policy reform by OECD and EU. Focusing on agricultural structure shifting, we attempt to integrate multifunctional agriculture development and farmland resources management accordingly. The main purpose of this research approaches to develop multifunctional farmland use indicators. We used European statistics reports of rural development and agricultural environment as the reference group to construct an international compartable multifunctional indicators system for Taiwan agriculture development. We employed the Analytic Hierarchy Process of Expert Choice software to verify the relative weights of different functional dimentions, indicators, and farmland use schemes. The results found that four dimentions for multi-functional agricultural development according to priority were increasing conservation area (0.195) for environment sustainability dimension (0.481), increasing forest area (0.101) for landscape ecology dimension (0.195), improving occupational education and training (0.098) for human resource specialization dimension (0.163), and enhancing market output value (0.077) for economy diversification dimension (0.161) respceptively. Furthermore, we compared five farmland use schemes with their importance to achieve different indicators. In proper order of contribution to agricultural multifunctionality as followed: conservational use, leisure and recreational use, intensive farming, extensive farming, and farm storage or house building. According to the overall evaluation, the government approved the farm buildings scheme that would disadvantage the multifunctionality of farmland resource. On the contrary, the conservational scheme may have the great contribution to the multifunctional farmland use policy.
起訖頁 31-71
關鍵詞 分析層級程序法多功能性農地多功能利用環境永續化Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)Environmental SustainabilityMultifunctionalityMultifunctional Farmland Use
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 201205 (15:1期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 不同人工神經網路架構在不動產大量估價之應用與比較
該期刊-下一篇 房貸還款衝擊信用風險之探討




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