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Land Prices and the Basket of Local Public Goods
作者 鄭明書林享博
地方公共財組合不僅可反映當地的生活與居住環境,在這方面的經費支出與投入也會反映到當地的地價。為驗證此等組合對地價的影響,本文以民國93至95年國內全部358個行政區為研究對象,選取教育、交通、環保等三項經費,及公園綠地面積做為衡量地方公共財組合的四項指標,經由集群分析,將全部的行政區歸為5個偏好集群。同一偏好集群內的行政區具有相近的地方公共財組合。其次,以所得、人口密度及偏好集群為解釋變數,各行政區的地價為應變數,進行迴歸分析,模型結果顯示,各偏好集群的公共財組合對地價有顯著影響。同時,各行政區的所得與人口密度變數,對地價亦存在正向影響。 The baskets of local public goods represent the quality of local living and residential environment. The expenditure and physical inputs of the baskets will be capitalized in local land prices. To find out the effect of the baskets on land prices, we choose all 358 jurisdictions in Taiwan as the study subject. The three expenditures on education, transportation, and environmental protection and the land area of parks and greenery consist of the basket and are used to do a clustered analysis on the jurisdictions which are classified into 5 preference groups by that analysis. Jurisdictions in the same preference groups have very similar baskets of local public goods. Then we use income, population density, and preference groups as explanatory variables, and land prices as independent variables, to build a regression model for the jurisdictions. The model shows that the baskets of each preference group contribute significant positive effects on land prices. The influence of the income level, and population density of jurisdictions are positive too.
起訖頁 99-120
關鍵詞 地方公共財組合偏好集群地價the Basket of Local Public GoodsPreference GroupsLand Prices
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 201111 (14:2期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 原住民社區永續農業發展之實踐--以新竹縣尖石鄉石磊部落自然農法為例




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