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A Study of the Relationship between Stand Development and Coastal Morphology Change in Tao-Yuan Coast (1978~2004)
作者 莊永忠林雪美沈淑敏廖學誠
海岸林分發展與環境變遷息息相關,地形即為重要影響因子之一。本研究透過地理資訊圖層套疊呈現1978~2004年間桃園海岸林分空間分布變化,探討其與地形變遷之關聯性,並對照林務局歷年保安林總成圖層分析造林地規劃之適宜性。結果顯示桃園海岸之林分在二十六年間因濱線內移致使林分前緣持續後退,其中又以草漯海濱、觀音工業區外濱海位置(富林溪口至大堀溪口,海湖底與樹林子)、以及觀音溪口至小飯瀝溪口段最為嚴重。而沙丘後退內移,以及沙丘位置之林木生長條件不佳亦造成林分受害,致使林帶寬度大為縮減,因而大幅降低林分阻隔飛沙與固定沙丘之能力。而對照林務局歷年保安林造林台帳圖後,亦發現許多保安林邊界已不符合近年海岸變遷與林分發展趨勢,應視目前情況進行擴編或解除,以利當地長期之林分發展。 Forest stand development in coastal region is highly related to environmental change. Morphology is one of the most important factors. This research analyzed the spatial distribution change of coastal stand in Tao-Yuan coastal from 1978 to 2004, and tried to find the relationship between morphology changing and stand development by using map overlay on GIS platform. Cadastral map of coastal protection forests was also used to examine the suitability of location planning. The results showed the forest stand of Tao-Yuan Coast have been withdrawing in 26 years due to the shoreline retreat, especially in the seacoast of Tsao-Ta and Guan-Ying Industrial Park, and the estuary of Guan-Ying River and Sao-Fan-Li River. The retreating sand dune and the bad conditions of habitats were also found as a reason to cause the vanishing forests with lower ability for dust prevention and sand dune fixation. Besides, as the boundaries of protection forest were not with the trend of stand development and coastal morphology change, it is necessary to take the proper act for boundaries modification of protection forests.
起訖頁 69-89
關鍵詞 地形變遷沙丘保安林桃園海岸Morphology ChangeProtection ForestSand DuneTao-Yuan Coast
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 201105 (14:1期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 台灣農地功能之研究:一般民眾與農民態度及空間差異的比較
該期刊-下一篇 環境風險評估通過比率的比較研究——以環境影響說明書及評估報告書為例




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