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An Analysis on the Incentive Mechanism of Urban Renewal from the Separation of Property Rights Viewpoint
作者 楊松齡卓輝華
本文將都市更新事業過程的控制權,區分為提議、同意、執行、監督等四步驟,當土地權利人與實施者,共同於一都市更新單元,組成共同開發體時,土地權利人初期擁有較強的提議與同意之控制權,隨著實施者握有超過都市更新法定之同意書門檻後,實施者掌握較強的執行控制權,土地權利人擁有較弱的監督控制權。又現行都市更新權利變換的價值分配,是實施者投入共同負擔費用,並以更新完成後之土地與建築物部分折價抵付,其餘土地及建築物則分配與原土地所有權人,因此土地權利人得到大部分的剩餘索取權。這樣的控制權與剩餘索取權分離狀態下,其權利變換價值分配模式,是否為適當的產權安排?對於都市更新參與人能否有所激勵?能否促進都市更新之推動效率?是本文主要的探討分析重點。 This paper divides the residual right of control for urban renewal business into four steps: proposing, agreement, implementation and monitoring. When the land owners and the implementers organize as a common development entity on a very urban renewal unit, the land owners initially hold stronger control rights on both proposing step and agreement step; along the implementers hold agreement letters exceeding the official threshold of urban renewal regulations, they will control better execution rights, and the landowners hold weaker surveillance control rights. The current value allocation of rights transformation for urban renewal employs common sharing of expenses with the implementers. After deducting the common sharing of the discounted price substitute payment of the land and buildings after the rights transformation, the remaining lands and buildings shall be allocated to the original landowners according to the rights value proportion before each piece of land rights was transformed. In so doing, the land owners obtain most of the residual claim. Under such separation of the control rights and the residual claim, whether the value allocation of the rights transformation is as suitable arrangement for property rights? Will it be the incentives to the urban renewal participants? Whether it will facilitate the efficiency of urban renewal promotion? These are the main points of the analysis of this paper.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 都市更新權利變換控制權剩餘索取權激勵Urban RenewalRights TransformationControl RightResidual Claimand Incentive
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 201105 (14:1期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-下一篇 台灣農地功能之研究:一般民眾與農民態度及空間差異的比較




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