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Exploring the Spatial Characteristics and Determinants of Risk Perceptions for Rural Industrial Pollution
作者 洪鴻智黃于芳
許多違章與中小型工廠,散佈於都市郊區與農村地區,造成土壤重金屬與其他環境污染課題,且導致罹病的健康風險與風險知覺提高。過去對於農村環境污染風險知覺之相關研究非常豐富,但較忽略空間自相關與地方性,在風險知覺形成扮演的角色。本文乃應用社會學習理論,透過空間統計模型,希望強化此方面之分析。文中以彰化縣和美鎮、伸港鄉、線西鄉與鹿港鎮為例,探討農村居民對於工廠污染之風險知覺特性,繪製風險知覺地圖,及分析影響風險知覺與空間聚集之主要因素。分析結果發現,居民對於工業污染的風險知覺並非獨立或隨機,而具有空間相依性,類似風險知覺者會產生空間聚集現象。透過空間迴歸分析,發現風險知覺與受訪者暴露於污染的程度密切相關,另社會資訊信任程度、社會經濟特性(包含教育程度與職業)亦顯著影響風險知覺。結果亦顯示,受訪者一方面認為工廠對社區具有經濟效益,但又認為其具有高度健康風險,而產生明顯的地方認同矛盾現象。最後,本文提出研究發現之政策應用方向與後續研究重心。 A large number of small and medium factories widely spread in the suburbs and rural areas. Their untreated waste water or materials usually directly discharge to farmlands or drainages. This not only causes seriously heavy metal, toxic soil contamination and related pollution to the rural environment but also increases the levels of real and perceived healthy risk for the residents. Abundant studies focused on explaining the relationship between rural environmental pollution and residents’ healthy risk perception. However, they ignored the role of spatial autocorrelation and local context in determining residents’ perceived levels of risk. This paper seeks to improve the understanding of the major factors shaping residents’ perceptions of industrial pollution by examining the spatial patterns of local risk perceptions, and by applying the social learning theory to examine the role of socioeconomic and local characteristics in forming these perceptions. In the case study of four townships in Changhua County, the results indicate that the risk perceptions are shown as spatially dependent rather than randomly distributed over the study area. Using spatial regression analysis, findings show that the major factors contributing to risk perceptions are local setting, levels of exposure to pollution, social trust and socioeconomic characteristics. Respondents express a highly contradictory sense in the process of place-identification associated with the factories in their community. They perceived high levels of healthy risk while perceived high levels of potential economic benefits caused by these factories. Finally, we discuss the policy implications of our findings in environmental risk management and further research in risk perceptions for industrial pollution.
起訖頁 31-57
關鍵詞 工業污染地方認同空間自相關風險知覺農村彰化Industrial PollutionPlace-IdentitySpatial AutocorrelationRisk PerceptionsRural AreaChanghua
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 201011 (13:2期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 不同估價方法之權重分析與模式建立--地價基準地之探討
該期刊-下一篇 土地增值稅與資本利得稅之比較研究




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